Which college is better For Electrical engineering~~?(wpi/rit/pennstate u.p)

<p>Because im an international student, i have no ideas about any colleges in U.S;;;</p>

<p>I got the letters from those 3 colleges , which are wpi(worcester polytechic institute), Rit(Rochester institute of tech), Penn state university of Park. </p>

<p>I applied wpi for "engineering"
-- i am willing to major "fire protection engineering" if i choose wpi
I applied rit for "Electrical engineering"</p>

<p>I applied Pennstate for "Electrical engineering"</p>

<p>To me, Tution fees are not the problems..</p>

<p>The problem is that i really want to go to really good graduate colleges after i graduate from those undergraduate colleges..</p>

<p>There are 3 questions~~ what undergraduate college will really affect my graduate college?</p>

<p>and If i graduate one of those colleges with fine grades, then are there any problems to get a fine job??</p>

<p>3rd question is that Why college board shows wpi's Sat scores as so high(it was like Critical reading- 560-650, and Math- 650-710)(( It's even higher then BU.) , even though wpi's ranking is lower then other undergraduate colleges</p>

<p>To answer your third question… rankings and SAT’s are two different things.</p>

<p>penn state is the best.</p>

<p>if you have a chance to go to a big football school like Penn state which also has a phenomenal engineering program then take it. You wont regret it.</p>

<p>mm…So, the penn state would be good…</p>

<p>how about rit?
because my college counseler in the school told me that rit is getting better and better every year, how about rit??</p>

<p>^You won’t find too many girls on campus at RIT.</p>

<p>I chose a state school over RIT when I was about to go to university for the 1st time.</p>