Which college should I attend? Hoftsra - Hampshire- Bard Berlin- Emerson- Illinois Wesleyan

I got similar financial packages in all of the schools. Majoring in social sciences

For people to give a thoughtful reply, you will need to provide more information. The schools are quite different.

  • How far away would you like to go?
  • What sort of social science?
  • Do you prefer traditional divisions in education or to create your own pathway?
  • Socially, what do you prefer?


Is that Bard in Berlin?

yeah its bard college’s berlin campus

i think i will be pursuing political science with econ major, I’m an international student anyways so campus location being abroad isn’t a problem for me. I like the idea of creating my own path regarding education but it definitely feels like a risk I’m not sure is worth taking

I’d choose Hampshire is you’re VERY self directed, or Illinois Wesleyan if you want a more traditional college experience. Both are very strong academically for undergrads.

Bard Berlin is a really interesting campus. If you’re up for an adventure I’d say go for that. Note though, that they don’t have a real math department, so depending on how serious you are about econ, that could be a problem.

One of my siblings was not legendarily self-directed and still managed to graduate from Hampshire in under six years. You have to be driven, but not a superhuman. That was before The Incident though…