Which colleges have these characteristics?

<p>I'm wondering if there's a college that's has a large liberal population, low percentage of students practicing religion, good teaching, and has a "hipster" feel (not a 'stoner' school though). </p>

<p>Don't worry about any other factors like tuition, city size, school size or anything like that; I'm just looking for colleges that fit the above characteristics for now. </p>

<p>btw I know there are some other threads that ask about some of these individual characteristics, but I have yet to find a thread that addresses colleges that have all of those qualities. </p>


<p>sorry this thread was posted twice somehow…must be my mac glitching up lol</p>

<p>Hmmm, Macalester and Reed immediately come to mind</p>

<p>Oberlin might be another that fits the bill (at least from what I’ve heard).</p>

<p>Those are the main social characteristics that come to mind when I think of Reed. BobbyCT is also probably right about Macalester. One thing that I enjoy about the environment at Reed is that rather than experiencing the general pseudo-intellectualism of hipsters, most everyone is very intelligent and motivated.</p>

<p>Hampshire and New College of Florida also have similar feels. However, a key difference is that neither of these schools have an alphabetical grading system and instead have pass/fail with reviews rather than grades.</p>

<p>Is Bard on your list?</p>

<p>Not sure Reed qualifies with the non-stoner qualification.</p>

<p>Not sure how to quantify the percentage of students practising religion. Most kids probably bring their culture, including religion, to college with them, but may not get up early on Sunday to go to church. (Or other place and time of their choice.)</p>

Wheaton (MA)</p>

<p>Marlboro (VT)
Sarah Lawrence (NY)
Bennington (VT)</p>

<p>University of California Santa Cruz</p>

<p>isn’t the stereotype for brown university that they’re hippies? maybe apply to that as a reach. i’m pretty sure there’s good teaching at brown, and probably not as many stoners because it’s a very good school (not the best reason)</p>

<p>Grinnell, but somewhat less ‘hipster’ than the more urban schools: More ‘quicky and individualistic.’</p>

<p>Brown (PM me with any questions as I’m a current student), Smith (SO HIPSTER [if you’re female]), Reed, Sarah Lawrence, Wesleyan, Haverford, Oberlin.</p>

<p>Certainly look at Bard.</p>

<p>Pitzer comes to mind.</p>

<p>Brown, Brown, and Brown. Not a “stoner” school per se. More like a LSD/mushrooms school.</p>

<p>“Not sure Reed qualifies with the non-stoner qualification.”</p>

<p>In this case it does, since Reed has good academics, students have a strong work ethic, and the OP would be challenged.</p>

<p>I thought of Brown when I read your thread. :)</p>