<p>snape kills dumbledore</p>
<p>Snape, because I spend most of my time in a dungeon. :p</p>
<p>Lupin. Out of my group of friends, i'm kind of the voice of reason, but i still go along with many of the pranks.
i also have a great group of close friends, but am kind of an outcast from the majority... at least to an extent.</p>
<p>I'd probably be voldemort.</p>
<p>Tom Riddle/Voldemort.</p>
<p>your mom .</p>
<p>George Weasley. I'm missing an ear.</p>
<p>None, there are no Asian males in HP...(JK Rowling is a racist :P)</p>
<p>Hermione, cause I'm a freakin know-it-all obsessed with equality and I keep love all bottled up inside.</p>
<p>^except when it comes to anything that REALLY matters, like hallows and the fact that their not just a myth, and believing harry in the location of the horcrux...</p>
<p>I am certain that if the world of Harry Potter was real and I was a wizard, I would have become a terrible Dark Wizard. :D</p>
<p>But Harry Potter is real. Tom Riddle III?</p>
<p>CT> how many atomic bombs have you built?
because until you take one and blow it up in a city, i don't think you'd've been a dark wizard.</p>
<p>Oh, no. One does not need to blow up a city to have the mind of a Dark Wizard... :D</p>
<p>Tom Riddle III? Perhaps.</p>
<p>Ah, but that is not possible, as he could not love anyone, so you do not exist. HA!</p>
<p>i'm just saying that you thinking you'd be a dark wizard means you would use your powers for evil. However, you currently have certain abilities... and you haven't done anything horribly evil.</p>
<p>Probably Hermione. I'm passive-aggressive in the same way =)</p>