<p>I'd be a minor character from Harry Potter, just because I love Harry Potter and I think magic is really cool. :3 But I'd have to check book 7 and make sure I don't pick one who dies.</p>
<p>I love the HP world too. It’s creative and so expansive. Obviously there are gaps but it feels like the story could support a whole, real world. </p>
<p>I would want to be Hermione!</p>
<p>Eragon… I want a dragon… I also like the magic :)</p>
<p>Haha, the minute I read the bulletin title, I was immediately thinking HERMIONE!</p>
<p>Connor I agree 110%. Eragon. Honestly the first ever fiction books ive read and I feel in love with them. I read all 3 in 2 months and almost cried when I realized id have to wait for the 4th one</p>
<p>Gandalf! I mean, how old is this guy?? thousands of years old.
hes pretty much invincible and doesn’t afraid of anything</p>
<p>Harry Potter character. Mostly any of the ones who don’t die.</p>
<p>As long as I don’t have to die, Lux from The Virgin Suicides (she’s almost as messed up as me!)</p>
<p>Rorschach from Watchmen.</p>
<p>Ehh…um…wow, I was just gonna comment on the CC-esness of this thread, but then I realized my answer isn’t gonna be any less nerdy, hahaha. </p>
<p>Brin Ohmsford from Wishsong of Shannara.</p>
Ditto .</p>
Yeah, this topic immediately reminded me of the following Bash quote:</p>
<p>Mjordan2nd: If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?
Chris: Spider Man
Tim: batman
Sidd: batman
Mjordan2nd: I’d be god</p>
<p>[QDB:</a> Quote #473599](<a href=“http://www.bash.org/?473599]QDB:”>http://www.bash.org/?473599)</p>
<p>The underground man, dostoevsky is where its at</p>
<p>Maybe Holden :D</p>
<p><quote>Rorschach from Watchmen.</quote></p>
<p>Lol…er…why? He is slightly insane. I remember one interviewer asking me who my favorite superhero was, and she was weirded out by my response and description of Rorschach…</p>
<p>It’s a weird pick- but I would be Lorlai Gilmore (the mom) on Gilmore Girls- she is so cool and funny.</p>
<p>Gatsby! Even though he died, he did whatever it took to get what he wanted.</p>
<p>Vegeta ftw</p>
<p>Eric Cartman</p>
<p>Hancock, that guy is gangsta</p>