Which HL class is better for biomedical engineering?


<p>So I've decided that I want to pursue biomedical engineering in college. I am currently a sophomore attending an IB school. (pre-IB prep first two years, IB junior and senior year) At my school they allow you to take two HL sciences if you don't have an art class. I was just wondering what sciences should I take, and if theres any other SL classes that would help? I want to take HL bio for sure, but I'm stuck between physics and chemistry. Which one would be better to take?</p>

<p>Do you plan on retaking the courses in college using the IB tests? If so, definitely go for chemistry. IB Physics is not calculus based, and you will need calc-based physics for college.</p>

<p>i probably will have to take these courses again, so yeah chemistry is probably better. thanks!</p>