Which is a better school for Computer Science? UMass Boston or Wentworth Institute of Technology?

Hello everybody. I am a second year student at UMass Boston and I am deciding to transfer to several universities, since I heard negative things and had negative experiences with UMass Boston. I live off campus, so commuting to UMass Boston takes between 35 and 40 minutes, whilst it is only 18-25 minutes to get to Boston University, Northeastern University, and Wentworth Institute of Technology, and only 12 minutes to commute to MIT as I live relatively close to Harvard University (in fact, I straddle somewhere between Harvard and Central). I fell behind during the summer semester trying to catch up (I started UMass Boston as first in the spring semester of 2021 and wanted to gain 30 credits by fall 2021 to get into the 2nd year traditional schedule) because there was terrible customer service in UMass Boston that some of the courses are designed so you could fail (I failed PHYSIC-181 because of a tight schedule load and also, because I was suffering from severe allergies during the summer, as well as having mediocre professors as well as the TA is reluctant to help me much, whilst the accomodations services is just defiant). So, because of terrible services quality, poor reputation compared to other universities, as well as having a subpar graduation rate (6 year grad rate of 55 percent), I decided to make the switch to better universities (my dream since a kid has always been to graduate from Harvard and MIT and the like, but because of discrimination from secondary school, I had to go with a GED and start college a year early). If I could not make it to Boston University or Northeastern University (my GPA will be 3.6 and I would have gained 43 credits by December 2021), is Wentworth a good choice in Computer Science?

As per several rankings, including on the niche, Wentworth is ranked lower than UMass Boston (UMass is 25th best overall in the state, whilst Wentworth is ranked 30 in the state), however, Wentworth is ranked higher in CS on that list than UMass Boston.
According to USNews, there are bleaker predictions, as UMass Boston is a research university as well as a national university, whilst Wentworth is a regional university as well as a non-research university, but rather, a special focus institution, so I am scared that it might not bode well for future prospects, especially when finding enough connections to start a tech startup, or, to apply to prestigious grad schools like the likes of MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, etc. Also, according to USNews, Wentworth is ranked ‘lower’ in computer science than UMass Boston. I am scared that I will downgrade in prestige if I transfer there, and I am scared it might be worse than my current school, given that in any given year, Wentworth accepts between 70 and 80 percent of freshman applicants. I just want some advice to relieve my stress if Wentworth is actually better or worse than UMass Boston. This university is considered on par with UMass Boston, but UMass Boston has a terrible 4 year graduation rate, and I want to graduate by June 2024. According to CSRankings, UMass Boston is ranked 125th in computer science, and Wentworth Institute of Technology is not even listed at all. So, I am scared it will do the worse for me in the future. Tell me your thoughts below.

IMHO you should consider commuting in the other direction (reverse commutes are easier!) and transferring to UMass Lowell. Your courses will articulate better, since it’s all part of the UMass system, and Lowell has a better CS program than UMass Boston or Wentworth. Lowell’s CS program is very good and only rising in reputation. I don’t actually know whether a 3.6 will get you in, but if you can get in, it’s likely your best option.

Rankings aren’t everything. If your only choices are your current school (which you don’t like) and Wentworth, and if you like Wentworth and can afford it, I wouldn’t worry about being employable coming from either one.