<p>Math,Reading or Writing ?
FOr me math is quite easy.On practice tests i score 780 or above everytime.760 is my worst score 0 only once.
I find CR not so hard.SC are really easy when i know most of the words and i am used to the passages as since 8th grade at school we have been doing reading comprehension exercises every day in out english classes.720 lowest score on practice tests.
The writing,at least to me , is the most difficult section.I answer a lot of questions incorrectly even if i am sure my answer is correct.What about you guys ?</p>
<p>For the longest time, it had been CR. But now some stupid math mistakes always trick me. Since my native language is not english, I do pretty well with grammar and stuff- had to learn all that in 6th grade.</p>
<p>Mine is math. My scores are always really unbalanced:
I took the psat this year and got the equivalent of 800 in CR, 770 in writing, and 670 in math.</p>
<p>I am the opposite of littlenoo.
800M 780W 690CR.</p>
<p>I’m confident about a 800W from DEC.</p>
<p>so… -kills CR-</p>
<p>^ I’m same as anhtimmy. I KNOW I have 800M, 800W, hopefully, my CR was sufficient…</p>
<p>The essay. I can’t write two pages in 25 minutes. On normal essay tests that’s not a big deal since quality trumps quantity. On the SAT, not so much.</p>
<p>All of the multiple choice is easy.</p>
<p>Easiest is critical reading, hardest is writing. I guess that’s weird because they sort of go hand-in-hand, but that’s how it is for me. I tend to overthink things on the writing sections’ multiple choice questions, and I’m not very good at timed essays.</p>
<p>Math is all right as long as I don’t make careless mistakes, and critical reading is just… I don’t know. Like a relaxing afternoon? Lol, I would have really loved to have a critical reading experimental.</p>
<p>Math, I run out of time and I’m unable to go back an check my answers, so last time I made a stupid mistake (770). Hoping I didn’t this time but I still ran out of time on the Dec 2008.</p>
<p>CR is easy and I’m pretty sure I got another 800.</p>
<p>Last time W was my worst…3 wrong on MC and 7 essay. I’m pretty sure I brought MC up to -1, and the essay up a bit. I was hoping for an 800 but after being rejected from Stanford I’m now a realist/pessimist :P</p>
<p>CR is probably the hardest section to get a high score but NOT the hardest to get an 800… I’ll save that honor for math. (-1 is not curved! it’s so harsh)</p>
<p>Writing is the hardest for me. It actually used to be CR and Writing but on my PSAT I got 70 CR, 68 Math and 61 Writing. Surprisingly, I did better on CR than Math but I suck at writing.</p>
<p>Critical reading vocabulary questions.
These always kill me.
<p>funnily enough, i had almost exactly the same scores as littlenoo, lol</p>
<p>Math and writing are both pretty easy for me, I usually only make a couple of careless mistakes. </p>
<p>for me the CR is the hardest. I HATE the passage based questions! I feel like a lot of them are the test makers’ opinions. How do all of you get such high scores on CR?</p>
<p>Well,the correct answer is always the one that is supported by most facts.</p>
<p>CR… it’s the only section that I’m not confident on, although it was my highest scoring section on the October SAT</p>