Which looks better for adcoms, a good score in physics or a good score in math lvl1?

<p>Im talking about schools like Rice, Brown, schools that don't specialize in mathematics.</p>

<p>Wouldn't a good score in physics look better because if you take math level 1, you're not challenging yourself sufficiently?</p>

<p>I think a good score in physics would look much better (IMO, it's a much more difficult test).</p>

<p>go weeth ta' feezeecs</p>

<p>mathI will never be as good because there's a mathII. I mean that in all seriousness.</p>

<p>a good score in both.</p>

<p>^ that'll be even better. 800s would suffice.</p>

<p>So, if you have math level 1 as one of your 2 subject test scores and you're applying to a really competitive school, the fact that you took 1 instead of 2 will count against you a lot?</p>

<p>These types of questions seem meaningless to me, but physics gets my vote as well.</p>

<p>definitely physics; most schools even suggest you <em>not</em> to take Math1</p>