Which majors do B-schools prefer?

<p>I'm planning to do a B.A in History and wish to do an MBA afterwards. Will the colleges hold this fact against me, and do they prefer candidates with more rigorous courses like Economics, Mathematics, Engineering et al?</p>

<p>What they will hold against you is if you don't have good work experience, as the quality of your work experience is the most important factor for B-schools admissions. And the fact is, certain majors, like engineering, are far more likely to provide you with a stable and well-defined career path than other majors will. Truthfully, a lot of humanities majors (of which I consider history to be one) do not get good jobs after graduation, and if you don't have a good job, it's hard to get work experience that will impress a B-school adcom. A lot of history grads that I know are literally working at the mall, stocking shelves and manning cash registers. Or they're working as waitresses, or other such jobs. Those are not the kind of job that will give you good work experience that B-schools like to see. </p>

<p>But hey, if you're one of the people who can land a good job with a history degree, then you'll be fine.</p>

<p>A History major at a top college like Stanford, will generate a lot of attention. Plus a few classes in economics, statistics, and calculus should give you a basic foundation for business school. Don't graduate without them.</p>