Which of these Engineering Colleges?

<p>I live in Michigan. I have a twin sister so money is kind of an issue. I looked at and liked kettering university alot and was impressed by the coop program. What other colleges whould you recommend for engineering and why?</p>

<p>What are your stats like? In the state of Michigan, you have several respectable Engineering programs like Kettering, Michigan Tech, Western Michigan and Michigan State. Of course, the University of Michigan is one of the very best at the global level, so that's another possibility. If your credentials are strong enough, you can also look out of state at schools like UIUC, Purdue etc...</p>

<p>Hey I'm from Michigan too, looking at engineering. I would really recommend taking a closer look at Michigan Tech. They're quite a bit cheaper than Kettering, and have really strong engineering programs. In fact, it's pretty much what they're known for all over. Also Michigan is a really good but more expensive option, and of course is known across the country. Let me know on your progress of selection. :)</p>