<p>I am very interested in going to college in nyc. i have pretty good grades and want to have the college experince but also have the access to the city. i want to major in music composition, preofrmance in keyboard and vocals, or in production. which of the following can you tell me about/ recommend?</p>
<p>City College of New York
Fordham University
The New School</p>
<p>The New School-Really geared towards older students.
NYU-Does not have a real campus. NYU comprises of buildings. The environment their is depressing and there is no school spirit but since you are going into the arts, then I recommend NYU Tisch.
Fordham(Lincoln)- I have toured the Lincoln Campus, it’s nice but its not a real campus. It’s buildings but I like their apartment style housing.
Fordham(Rosehill)-Is an actual campus.
City College-Has a real campus(Housing migh be a problem since it’s commuter school)</p>
<p>City College does have dorms, called The Towers. Like said, City and Fordham both have campuses… Fordham’s was pretty nice. NYU doesn’t really have much of a campus</p>
<p>If you want the “college experience” I recommend applying to schools in the suburbs around NYC so you can have the dorm/campus feeling and easily get into the city. </p>
<p>Another CUNY to consider is Queens College which does have dorms (although it is mostly commuter) and I think it does have a campus.</p>
<p>I am currently a Freshman at Fordham and I can tell you that you will get the college experience here. It is a beautiful campus and has easy access to the city. You can’t go wrong with applying to Rose Hill.</p>