which ones are reaches/matches/safetys for me?

<p>I'm not applying to all of these LOL</p>

Cal St Tech U - Pomona
UC Davis
UC Berk
UWA Seattle</p>

UWI Madison
UI Chicago
UMI Ann arbor
UMN Twin Cities</p>

city college
Cooper Union (reach for everyone I know)
Pratt (might not need a portfolio for this school)
Parsons (hard to tell bc of portfolio)

<p>other east:
NC state raleigh
UMD - College Park (In State)
Rutgers - NB
boston C</p>


<p>white boy MD private school (one of the best hs in my area)</p>

<p>SAT I<br>
CR 650 M 660 W 620
=1930 (taking again)
taking some SAT II's soon too
taking ACT soon</p>

USHistory 2 (lol)
Bio 3
taking Calc and English this year (school only offers 6)</p>

band 9; tennis 9; bowling 10, 11, 12; theater 10, 12
part time job 11, 12; yearbook 12
+ a few random community service things</p>

<p>rank 6 or 7 out of 40-50... could raise it up to 5 maybe</p>

my guidance counselor doesnt figure it out but I know its above 3.75 for 9th-11th grade ( I think UW... I really need to go up to school and figure this out)
can get good recs from most of my teachers
also I'm taking around 8 or 9 classes this year (3 or 4 at local colleges)</p>

<p>Okay, a few things you can do to help us out--and help us help you out.</p>

<p>(1) Cut your chances list down--or break it into a few chances threads--right now you are asking for chances at 24 or 25 schools--which is way too many for one thread.</p>

<p>(2) Compute your UC GPA (the UCs have a very unique way of computing who gets in that isn't like anyplace else)--here's the site that gives some details:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman/scholarship_reqs.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman/scholarship_reqs.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>When you compute this UC GPA make sure you only count the qualifying courses, that you only count sophomore and junior courses/grades, and that you cap the GPA (only counting 8 semesters of honors/AP/IB courses in the computation).</p>

<p>(3) Give us some idea of how you expect to do on your SAT IIs (on at least three if you want us to rate you at Columbia)</p>

<p>(4) you need to be aware that Cal Poly Pomona (there is no such school as Cal State Tech U - Pomona) is not nearly as highly ranked as Cal Poly San Luis Obispo--which is one of the top ranked engineering schools in California. I think you would prefer that we rate you at Cal Poly SLO. </p>

<p>Lastly, if you tell us what major you are thinking of (it appears to be engineering or architecture) then we can rank you better. For example, engineering at UC Berkeley is much tougher to get into than getting into the regular school.</p>


<p>UCB/UCLA: Reach (out of state)
UCD: Match (out of state)</p>

<p>(1) Cut down on the college list, 25 schools is impossible to apply to well and we won't chance it.</p>

<p>(2) Get SAT II scores, many of the schools you want to apply to demand them.</p>

<p>(3) Of course, what Calcruzer said.</p>

<p>I'd probably get like 500 or 600 on the SAT II's imo, but theres no way to be certain..
so here's a narrowed down list</p>

<p>Cal St POLYtech U - Pomona (SLO is too secluded)
UC Davis
UWI Madison
UI Chicago
UMN Twin Cities
city college
UMD - College Park (In State)
Rutgers - NB

<p>Based upon your GPA of 3.75+ plus SAT I - CR 650 M 660 W 620 (1930) plus I'll presume you have three SAT IIs in the 600 to 625 range plus rank of 6/45</p>

<p>Cal St POLYtech U - Pomona (SLO is too secluded)--safety
USC--slight reach
UC Davis--match to slight reach (OOS)
UWI Madison--match
UI Chicago--safe match
UMN Twin Cities--match
NYU--match to slight reach (depending on which college--business, individual study and theatre will be toughest)
NYIT city college--do you mean City University of New York?--because there are actually about 3 of these that are well-known (Hunter, Brooklyn, and Queens)--and all are safeties for you.
UGA--match to slight reach (OOS)
UMD - College Park (In State)-match to slight reach
Rutgers - NB--safe match

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>as always, a solid summation by the cruzer. i only would slightly amend those remarks by saying that you would have a slightly easier go of it being admitted to college park as an in state applicant rather than urbana as an out of stater. the other observation is that out of state applicants hardly are safeties at cal poly pomona in those high demand majors unless you land a presidential scholarship which are highly competitive. so would call that one a match based on chosen major, along with maryland and inch illinois just a tad higher since those are in high demand there as well.</p>

<p>Maryland would a safety to match...there average gpa is a 3.9 weighted and if your 3.8 is unweighted than you are good. Your SAT is in the higher end of their range also</p>

<p>I have 3.9 and Im taking the SAT again so I'm hoping I'm in the top 25% of people applying to md</p>

<p>do you go to an MIAA school?</p>

<p>City college (CCNY) is part of the CUNY system and is located in upper Manhattan. What do you plan on studying anyway? I'm guessing either art or architecture. If it's either one of those, your portfolio weighs heavily (much moreso than grades)on the admissions committee at cooper union.</p>

<p>ckmets13 - I dont think so</p>

<p>Northeastern has a massive applicant pool: 27,000+ apps for 2800 seats and an acceptance rate in the 40% range. Some programs are also much harder to get into than others. The school has been known to reject or waitlist people with high stats who don't "show interest." In other words it's not really a safety. BTW,The best way to show interest is to apply EA.</p>

<p>Just my 2 cents.</p>