Which option for Senior Year?

I have a question about senior year. I have 4 options

<li>stay in my school for senior year but go to purdue (i live 2 min away) for some advanced courses (probably half my day)</li>
<li>graduate as a junior and go to purdue full time degree seeking for one year</li>
<li>go to Phillips Exeter or Andover for just senior year</li>
<li>go to an Indian Institute of Technology for one year</li>

I would then either apply as a transfer or freshmen to Harvard and MIT. See my thread in “What’s my Chance” for my stats (“Chances for Harvard?”). Anyone got any ideas? Thanks.

<p>I like #1 the most. I don't see the point of going to some prep school for one year, where it could possibly ruin your chances of getting into an ivy. ITT. Wow. Intense. That place scares me. I fear it.</p>

<p>dude IIT all the way. It is known worldwide and it will be a really strong base for a transfer into Harvard/MIT.</p>

<p>Why are there two number 2's?</p>

<p>Don't do the first number 2. It won't get you anywhere.</p>

<p>Don't do the second 2 either. People who transfer schools almost always don't do as well at first. And what about all your friends and activities? Don't abandon everything for a feeder school. Chances are you won't be at the top of the class anyway.</p>

<p>I'd recommend numero 1.</p>

<p>yay #1 is winning!</p>

<p>sry about the numbering :)</p>

<p>From a strick standpoint of college admissions: Number 1 DEFINITELY. For learning: Purdue full time (unless you get in over your head). (But a year of Purdue full time would kinda shoot you in the foot for getting into top schools, wouldn't it?)</p>

<p>Neither. I say drop out as a junior and work the streets at night. Then once you've turned enough tricks apply to Purdue.</p>

<p>can't argue with your thinking, oedipus. And about IIT, i have no idea if i would get in or not, but if i got accepted after junior year, should I go?</p>

<p>you won't get accepted if you're not like the best in the world. Just the thought of applying there scares me. Seriously, I think you'd get horriffic grades if yo went there.</p>