<p>I am surprised by the people that sais they wouldn't live in the south or NJ..granted if all you know of NJ is what you see on the Sopranos or Newark area, I get it, but there are very nice areas to live.
So the south has humididity and insects. I think it is stereotypes that make people say they wouldn't live here or there.
I have been to many parts of the country that I wouldn't expect to like, but could see why folks like it there. I have also been to places that just turn me off for various reasons.</p>
<p>I've lived in the north and the south. Both have redeeming qualities. For me- the only place I would never want to live is somewhere where I feel unsafe.</p>
<p>Would not live in - </p>
<p>The great plains, the South, and Southwest.</p>
<p>Would definitely live in - east coast, west coast, mid-west. I love cold weather.</p>
<p>"Most of the girls from her high school either had babies in hs or shortly after.
And the thought of being a grandmother when you can still biologically have babies would not work well for me."</p>
<p>This was the situation in a NYC high school in which my sister taught school for 25 years. By their junior year in high school, over 60% of the 17 y.o. girls had children of their own. </p>
<p>Personally, I have lived 25 miles from the nearest neighbor, in towns with populations under 200, in Manhattan, Chicago, and in several cities' suburbs. Best place to live is a smallish town with a library, or far enough in the boonies that no one bothers with you. Also very nice (for the most part): midwestern towns with small LAC's. </p>
<p>Would dislike the weather in any place which didn't have true winter, and am not especially fond of Baltimore or St. Louis.</p>
<p>in the US i would not want to live in idaho. i don't know why but i just really don't want to live there. </p>
<p>person: so, where do you live?
me: i live in idaho
person: idaho? isn't that where potatoes come from?
me (indignantly): you know, there's more to idaho than potatoes!
person: like what?
me: ummmm
person: exactly</p>
<p>or louisiana. because ive heard its really corrupt there.</p>
<p>I wouldn't live in Idaho because of [url=<a href="http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=idaho_blows%5Dthis%5B/url">http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=idaho_blows]this[/url</a>]. </p>
My town doesn't have a single traffic light.
<p>Oh geez.</p>
<p>hey do you actually go on that site? i love reading maddox but he never updates anymore</p>
<p>I don't think that I would ever move to the West Coast. I'm too much of an East Coast girl.</p>
<p>Anywhere that isn't the east coast, or the west coast. (or hawaii)</p>