which professor for 32B?

<p>spring quarter's math 32B has killip and radko as professors. any advice on which to take?</p>

<p>if you cant find anything on bruinwalk then most likely they are new and nobody knows about them.</p>

some professors are just not on bruinwalk. like fred park</p>

<p>radko is cool</p>

<p>park is awesome! too bad he is not teaching 32b :(</p>

<p>Radko’s a really good professor and fun to talk to. Class is totally a breeze. But be advised, she has a rather heavy foreign accent, which may render the lectures more difficult to understand.</p>

<p>oh well my b.</p>

<p>I’m going with Killip because I have to take Physics 1B at the same time and the good teacher conflicts with Radko</p>

<p>any other opinions from those who have had these profs?</p>

<p>I had Killip for 32B in fall and he is very interesting. he has a tendency to present the simplest topics in the most complex manner possible. for example, it took him about 3 minutes to explain what orthogonal vectors were because he was trying to demonstrate using his hands and head, as opposed to just taking a sheet of paper and sticking a pencil out of it (if that makes any sense).</p>

<p>still, he is very intelligent and funny. i found him a very entertaining lecturer. he paces the stage the entire time and is full of energy. he can also answer questions on the spot in a pretty simple way (why he couldn’t do the same with the simpler topics, i don’t know).</p>

<p>his first midterm had a mean of about 50% (13/25), but he made the second one much easier (mean was low 80s i believe). the final was fair (mean was 75% or so). the good thing about killip’s class though is that the homework was worth 20%. even though he puts his own problems on the homework (about 2 or 3 a week in addition to 10-15 out of the book), it’s pretty much an automatic 20% as long as you do it. you can’t get an A without doing it, so if you take him i recommend doing it - it is very helpful for the exams, too.</p>

<p>i never went to office hours but i hear he was pretty helpful. the TAs for the class were great. in discussion they went over the problems killip came up with so that people could actually solve/understand them.</p>

<p>overall, i liked killip as a teacher. he kept your attention throughout the class because he was so energetic. he was always telling jokes and “dancing” around the stage. i would definitely recommend him, not hard to get an A as long as you stay on top of things.</p>