<p>I'm filling out my housing contract, and I want to sign up for one of these programs, but I'm not sure which one is best. I'm planning on doing chemical engineering and I applied for the engineering honors program. I would think the honors program would be the best but first year interest groups(FIGS) also do community service together and women engineers in kinsolving would be nice since everyone would be in the same boat/taking roughly the same classes.</p>
<p>I’ve never been in the honors dorms…I’ve been in Kingsolving and it’s pretty nice. The girls I know who dorm there aren’t in engineering though… And I’m in a FIG.
I’m gonna guess you should try to get into women in engineering first, if you can’t then honors, then FIG</p>
<p>I’d say do women in engineering but if you can’t do that, then do a FIG. FIGS are really dependent on how they’re set up. The idea of a FIG is great and you can meet your first few friends through that. I had a friend in a FIG in the comm school but she didn’t become close with her classmates, whereas I had 4 out of 5 classes with mine (bio majors) and had to do a lot of group work with them and we studied together so that was really cool. I still talk to some of them a year and a half later.</p>
<p>Most of the people who live in the honors dorms seem to really like the honors dorms.
These threads might be helpful to you.
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-texas-austin/458474-honors-dorms.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-texas-austin/458474-honors-dorms.html</a>
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-texas-austin/569910-university-texas-dorms-2.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-texas-austin/569910-university-texas-dorms-2.html</a></p>
<p>As a female engineer, I think the women engineers in Kinsolving sounds great! If you don’t do the residential FIG, you can always sign up for one of the engineering FIG classes. My son really enjoyed his. Sometimes they’d do something fun such as order in pizza or go to an art museum (he said it was funny to see a bunch of engineering geeks looking at paintings, lol). Other times, they would get extra advising or have tutoring sessions.</p>
<p>I think the main advantage of the honors program is the housing. Otherwise, there aren’t that many benefits. I actually regretted taking honors physics - what was I thinking?!? It was very hard, and there were enough brilliant people in there that the curve wasn’t too great. I’d never even made a B in my life, but I got a C in that class my first semester at UT!</p>