Which route should I choose?

<p>I want to go into the architecture/civil engineering field. I've been accepted into Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and my question is: what do you think would be a better major path, Architectural Engineering OR a major in Civil Engineering with a minor in Architecture? I really like the way the Architectural Engineering program looks, but I'm wondering if it is too specific. Would it be better to get a degree in Civil Engineering just to have a wider range of job opportunities in the future and then have a minor to focus in on Architecture? Or should I just go with the Architectural Engineering program?</p>

<p>Civil engineering with a minor in Arcitecture would give u alot more options, and better job prospects.</p>

<p>Would it be better to get a degree in Civil Engineering just to have a wider range of job opportunities in the future and then have a minor to focus in on Architecture?</p>

<p>I would go this route, for exactly why you stated.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! This really helps.</p>