I recently found out about the SAT subject tests. Our counselers never mentioned them in our small school. I plan to take them as a senior in October and retake them in December if they’re terrible. I’m naturally good at reading so I don’t know if I should take literature. I also found chemistry relatively easy when I took it as a sophomore. I’m not the best in math but I’m relatively high. I got an A- in Calculus but not an A kind of student. Should I take chemostery even if it’s been a whole year without review? Should I take literature just because I love to read? How long should I prep for each SAT II subject test? I would really appreciate any advise and tips on these tests.
I don’t know how to edit so I’m going to let those spelling and grammar errors be.
Take literature, math 2C, and chem. Trying to learn a new subject for the SAT is a bit too late. But prepare for the test, because just liking and being good at reading won’t guarantee you a good score on the test. Try practice tests and such.
Thank you so much!
Take literature and math2 in October. Take the December tests of you scored lower than 700, or take 2, one in whatever you scored lowest in October and one in chemistry OR whatever subject you feel strongest in.
You can send your August SAT and October SAT Subject results to your EA/ED schools, and add the December scores to your RD colleges .
Since your guidance counselor aren’t tops, just checking you ran the NPC on your two safeties as well as all other universities, and brought the results to your parents to make sure it’s affordable for them from income and savings…?
Thank you so much! That sounds amazing. I’m working to pay for my subject tests this summer and I have fee waivers for everything else.
SAT fee waivers cover 2 sittings of the SAT and 2 sittings of SAT subjects (up to 3 per sitting but no need to pile up). Some students take them all just to get their test scores sent to 4 colleges *4.
Check with your SAT account, you should see that both SAT reasoning and SAT subjects are covered
Run the NPC (net price calculator = tells you how much you’d have to pay at a given college based on your personal situation ).