which sat2s should those planning to go pre-med takee??

<p>i plan on becoming a doctor.. would it be alright for me to take bio, math 1c and math 2c ... or should i be replacing 1c with a chem, instead?</p>

<p>Replace IC with chem.</p>

<p>bio or chem? or either?</p>

<p>Doesn't really matter what you take, just get into a good college. Unless the college has some special program that requires you to take science SAT IIs or something, it makes no difference. If you're majoring in chem, take that. If you're majoring in history, take history. Or just take whatever subjects you're strong in.</p>

<p>don't waste your time nor money on taking two math subject tests. Colleges prefer breadth.</p>

<p>It you are strong in math and have completed precalc, then take Math 2, since it has a much better curve.</p>

<p>I suggest taking Math, Chemistry, and Biology, as those are subjects that relate the most to premed. I suggest math level 2 if you've already completed precalc or Calc AB.</p>