Which school/city should I choose?Drexel/Philly or UMN/Minniapolis

<p>Hello everyone,
I got into both Drexel and UMN in the CoE/Institute of Technology.
The cost are generally the same after scholarship so my major consideration is the difficulty of job-hunting.
I plan to major in EE or MatSE and hope to get a job as soon as possible after graduation.
Can anyone plz give me some information about the job market in the two cities for the two school's graduates.

<p>bump bump bump~!~</p>

<p>The two cities are significantly different in terms of culture/climate ect. Have you visited either school. The U of Mn attracts recruiters from accross the country, as I’m pretty sure Drexel does. The university of MN is a lrage school where Drexel is much smaller. Decide where you would be more comfortable spending your college years.</p>

<p>I know Drexel is also a five year co-op program, while I have no idea about UMN. That might be something important to consider.</p>

<p>Also, Drexel is in a bit of a sketchy area of Philly, so it might be wise to visit first before making any sort of decision. A few of my friends from HS went there (I’m from outside Philly), and I’ve heard mixed reviews from them. Some liked it, some didn’t.</p>

<p>Don’t mean to be off topic or a prick, but it is spelled Minneapolis, not Minniapolis.</p>

<p>I am in the five yr coop program~
But what is the reputation of Drexel Univ among the NE employers? Although UNWR rankings are misleading in someways, they are still good reference~. UMN’s engineering majors rank quite high on UNWR but Drexel’s rankings are not very satisfactory. </p>

<p>And the statistics of incoming freshman are quite different. SAT scores for incoming freshman of UMN is quite higher than those of Drexel. Does that indicate a more competitive environment in UMN?</p>

<p>Thanks~ And sorry for the misnomer.</p>

<p>If you are really concerned about getting a job after graduation, the co-op is going to be really helpful. A large percentage of those who do co-op with a company are offered a job once they graduate. Once you get your first job, the college that you attend becomes much less important (not to say unimportant).<br>
Personally, I haven’t looked into UMN at all. But I am strongly considering Drexel (I also got a full-tuition scholarship for the BS/PhD program)</p>

<p>Just to clear up a couple misconceptions. 1) Drexel is not in a sketchy area. 2) Drexel is not a small school at all. I think we have more students than UPENN and we have three campuses, a medical school, and a law school. Philadelphia is a much bigger city than Minneapolis and there are many more companies located all over the metropolitian area. However Drexel is a different type of school than your typical college. It revolves around the co-op program. Some like the state school experience a lot more. A few hours ago I just came back from a Drexel Engineering Job Fair and I can assure you that employers target Drexel from all over the country. Based on your post of “wanting to work as soon as possible” you may like the 5 year co-op where you start a paid full-time engineering job your sophomore year. Reference the drexel section if you have any other questions</p>