<p>It is Stanford! Not Berkeley, Not MIT, Not CMU!</p>
<p>Why? Does everyone know TURING AWARD? It is the equivalent of NOBEL prize
in computer science. As I know, at least 18 Stanford professors, former professors, or Stanford graduates have won this award. When counting the Turing award connection, Stanford is #1, followed by Berkeley, MIT, CMU. MIT and CMU each has about 10.</p>
<p>In rankings by US national research council (an organization under US national academy of sciences), Stanford computer science department is #1, followed by MIT, CMU, Berkeley. </p>
<p>In USNEWS graduate school rankings over the years, Stanford has always been #1, either ahead of or tied with MIT/Berkeley/CMU.</p>
<p>The following are the 18 Turing prize winners with Stanford ties:</p>
<p>1)Knuth: long time Stanford faculty, winner of national medal of science, sometimes called "the father of computer science".</p>
<p>2)McCarthy: long time Stanford faculty, winner of national medal of science, called "the father of artificial intelligence".</p>
<p>3)Feigenbaum: long time Stanford faculty</p>
<p>4)Floyd: long time Stanford faculty (died)</p>
<p>5)Tarjan: former stanford faculty and Stanford ph.d graduate (now at Princeton)</p>
<p>6)Hopcroft: former stanford faculty and Stanford ph.d graduate (now at Cornell)</p>
<p>7)Reddy: former stanford faculty and Stanford ph.d graduate (now at CMU)</p>
<p>8)Rivest: Stanford ph.d graduate (now at MIT)</p>
<p>9) Cerf: former stanford faculty and Stanford graduate, widely called "the father of the internet".</p>
<p>10) Newell: Stanford graduate (former CMU professor)</p>
<p>11) Pnueli: Stanford postdoc</p>
<p>12) Wirth: former stanford faculty </p>
<p>13) Scott:former stanford faculty </p>
<p>14) Engelbardt: former staff at Stanford Research Institute, Inventor of the "mouse".</p>
<p>15) Andrew Yao: former stanford faculty </p>
<p>16) 17) 18) 3 other Turing award winners are former Stanford faculty. I don't remeber their names now. </p>
<p>In addition to that, Stanford created Sillicon Valley: the capital of information technology.</p>