Which school is better recruited/better shot at MBA?

<p>After the college admissions are all said and done, I have a few top business schools that I have a possibility of attending.</p>

<p>I saw the USNews rankings, but I don't know which ones are more heavily recruited by the big companies such as Merril Lynch and Goldman Sachs, etc. and is more attractive to graduate schools for MBA.</p>

<p>I have:</p>

<p>-UC Berkeley, Regents and Chancellor's Scholar
-Cornell University, Tanner Dean Scholar
-Washington University in St. Louis</p>

<p>and I got waitlisted for Columbia U.</p>

<p>Berkeley's Haas is highest on the rankings, but is it really that well-known and regarded highly? And is Columbia's undergraduate good at all considering it isn't on the undergrad rankings?</p>

<p>Thanks for any input.</p>

<p>See if you can get into Columbia, if not then go to Haas, it's they best of the lot</p>

<p>From what I gather, columbia doesn't have an undergraduate business program.</p>

<p>you don't need an undergard biz degree to get an MBA in the future....people can get to Stanford GSB with history majors....</p>

<p>Hmm... so if I get into Columbia U that should be my first choice, despite UC Berkeley's extremely high ranking in undergraduate business for Haas (#3)?</p>

<p>O I'm sorry I thought that you had applied to those MBA programs. Still I would take Columbia or Berkeley and major in economics or some kind of hard science (Physics, Applied math, Engineering).
Columbia must get many recruiters (being the best Ivy in NY).</p>

<p>Any other opinions? Or is that the general consensus for the matter?</p>

<p>Berkely or cornell would be fine, both heavily recruited and probably just as good for graduate schools, cornell, berkely and columbia are quite different, so i think it depends on what kind of school you like.</p>