Which School is the Best/Worst For…

<p>REPOSTED FROM PREP SCHOOL CAFE (I thought the general category of admissions was more appropriate)</p>

<p>I got the idea from a parents thread, except this is different from that one. In this thread you list something you care about, and what school is the best for it, in your opinion.</p>

<p>e.g. Which school has the best food?
Groton (answered by Sevendad)</p>

<p>I don’t know how people can objectively opine on this, unless they have visited/attended more than one school</p>

<p>I meant from visits, and tours. Feedback from revisits, and your general impressions of things at the schools you visited. I mean for this to be a subjective thread were people share their opinions about the strengths and weaknesses of schools they visited. I see where you’re coming from though… this probably won’t be one of the more factual threads on cc.</p>

<p>@Silverstag-what stood out to me most in the visit and touring process is just how much of the impression can be affected by the tour guide, the students you come across, and the weather. Everyone I know toured this fall, and there were a lot of rainy days. If the school doesn’t pair you with someone you connect with, it is really hard to get a good sense of a school. Also, not to miss school, we visited most of the places on Saturdays and because of that, didn’t get to see what the student culture was like on a normal day. Even if the school is rumored to be especially fantastic, you might get a tour guide who seems too bothered to really show the school (“IF you get in, you can see the dorms and the sports center then”), or someone who is so focused on the one area of their involvement to know about any of the others (“I don’t really follow any sports”). I had a list of schools and a list of things I wanted in a school, but surprisingly the school I ultimately chose was based on the culture and impressions of the people I met there (administrators, other students, etc). Okay, so it has great dorms and great food too, but those factors didn’t drive the decision as much as I thought they would going into the process. As far as food is concerned, I had chicken everywhere. Get ready to grow wings.</p>