Which school??

<p>Hey I need to choose between hopkins, UPenn, and Berkeley and I was wondering if others were making similar decisions or had any idea of which would be a better track. I'm into a good campus atmosphere, I can deal with an urban campus as long as the surrounding areas are nice and actually support college life. I would like to pursue a major in biology, molecular cellular biology, to be specific. I am very into research and as of now I plan to pursue a career in medical research (not necesarily attend medical school). I also would like a school with a decent social life where the atmosphere is not overly competitive. Any ideas, your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanks.</p>

<p>Hopkins probably has the worst campus and no school spirit but great academics, Berkeley has the most schools spirit and best weather but is a lot of hard work, and UPenn is more of a balance between the two, with colder weather.</p>

<p>It depends on how big you want the school to be, Berkelely being huge and the other two being smaller. All three will be competitive, it comes with the territory as they are elite colleges. The Hopkins biology program is probably the best of the three.</p>

<p>weell, i applied to Upenn and got rejected. neverthless while i was writing my essay for penn i read about majoring in biology and having a concentration in molecular biology. although it's a lot of work i found that those courses seemed very interesting. if you look hard enough of the penn website i'm sure you'll be able tofind more info about it for yourself.</p>

<p>upenn is the social ivy. i would not consider hopkins despite its reputation for that field simply because of the campus life. i would go to upenn because, to me, it has everything and more that berkeley does. i can also get there from my house in about 90 minutes, whereas it would take me 90 minutes to get into newark airport alone.</p>