Which schools did you turn down for Bama?


<p>Crossing my fingers for you. :)</p>

<p>;) me too enjoying the hot day here over 90 that is hot for us this early</p>

<p>M2CK -I saw her stats on one of her other posts. And yes, this year the Presidential was upped to $25K. Tuition went up 3% for next year, so not sure if they will bump it again or not.</p>

<p>Cheerleader - Glad to provide info, hopefully useful. We’ll miss you at Tulane, but you will love Bama I am sure.</p>

<p>I passed up </p>

<li>U of Miami (huge tears)</li>
<li>U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign</li>
<li>SIU Carbondale</li>

<p>Wow, I’m feeling better about our Vandy waitlist. We didn’t send in a midyear report or file a CSS profile. Son had already decided on Bama so not worth the effort. Though know of a lot less stat kids that were admitted to Vandy. So, go figure. Son immediately took himself off the waitlist.</p>

<p>Tulane only gave us 15K, which is fine, only applied because we needed an instate option and it was better campus life than Louisiana Tech. Although my husband alum was not too happy with this offer. LSU was NEVER an option.</p>

<p>But son did turn down schools that were dear to his heart, but they were too far from home and would leave him with too much debt. Marquette, Saint Louis, and Catholic University. These all had biomedical engineering undergrad programs, and obviously, Catholic colleges, he’s gone to Catholic schools all his life. They all gave him good scholarships, but still expected us to borrow 20 to 30K a year.</p>

<p>Luckily, he had many full rides to choose from, so it didn’t come down to a matter of who gave him the most money: Auburn, UAB, Mississippi State, Louisiana Tech. Auburn and UAB were viable options, but son felt that Bama would be the best fit for him.</p>

<p>On a side note, Clemson was applied to by mom’s urging, and we never did get to visit. Son wasn’t interested. But they did give him OOS waiver and have biomedical engineering. It wouldn’t have required too steep a loan, but after son felt so comfortable with Bama, didn’t push it any further.</p>

<p>Another mom pick was Mizzou, before son received NMSF notification. Thought it would be a more affordable midwest option, as that’s where his initial focus was. As it turns out, even with his NMF status and their nonresident scholarship, cost would have been close to the same as Marquette and Saint Louis with their scholarships, so that idea backfired. </p>

<p>In talking with other senior parents and parents of college freshmen last night at a school function, we are all perplexed at how these schools handle admissions. </p>

<p>We are all just so happy our kids found a place they liked, we could afford to send them there, and what they do with it once they get there is up to them. </p>

<p>Good luck to all.</p>

<p>I’m picking Alabama over…
Kalamazoo College
Knox College
Lawrence University
Michigan State
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Wow…reading all of these responses!!!</p>

<p>Also glad to see so many OOS students coming from some distances!!!</p>

<p>DS turned down -</p>

<p>James Madison Univ. (Honors)
U. Minnesota Twin Cities (Honors) (no $??)
U. South Carolina (Honors)
Drexel (Honors)
Saint Louis University (Honors)
U Nebraska-Lincoln (Honors)
Colorado School of Mines</p>

<p>all with money ranging from 13K to full tuition.</p>

<p>He knew it from the second he set foot on campus, took me a bit longer!
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>We’re from Texas and D chose Bama over:
Duke (no merit $)
UVa (no merit $)
UNC (no merit $)
Tulane ($25k Presidential)
U of Miami ($24k University Schol)
Mizzou (my alma mater - Heritage Scholarship about $10k)
Georgia (about $10k)</p>

<p>She knew Bama would be a great social fit before we ever visited. The visit with the Honors College assured her it was a great academic fit as well! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I’m going to Alabama over: </p>

<li>Boston College</li>
<li>Boston University</li>
<li>Amherst College</li>
<li>Emerson College</li>
<li>University of Mississippi</li>
<li>UNC Chapel Hill</li>
<li>University of Missouri </li>
<li>New York University</li>
<li>Kenyon College</li>

<p>It all came down to money :frowning: I was offered scholarships everywhere I was accepted, but a previous poster was absolutely right: the economy is slow right now, and a full NMF scholarship is hard to turn down. This way I’ll be saving money to travel, go to graduate school, etc.</p>


<p>Oh my…you turned down Amherst. Wow. </p>

<p>But, you’re right…You’ll have money to travel and go to grad school or whatever! </p>

<p>What state are you from?</p>

<p>BTW…welcome!!! :)</p>

<p>Duke, Tulane, and a few other privates (mainly due to utterly crappy finaid)</p>

<p>a few public fullrides, like Arizona & FSU…</p>

<p>and a couple full scholarships to in-state schools (KU & K-State)</p>

<p>Edit: Northwestern and Emory, d’oh. I guess that goes to show how much emotional/time investment I put into some of those schools</p>

<p>S turned down U of Richmond, Georgia, Washington and Lee, Furman, B’ham Southern, waitlisted Vandy, turndowned by Duke.</p>

<p>Last year DD turned down:</p>

<p>UNC Chapel Hill

<p>Waitlisted at UVa though they did call & DD said she was set on UA!
Perfect match of academics, opportunities & social life!!</p>

<p>Wonderbreadmom, glad to hear that your S chose UA.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>My mother asked today-How is Alabama giving all of these scholarships???</p>

<p>They are recruiting hard the out of state kids who don’t necessarily qualify for any of these scholarships but are still solid students. 20k+ OOS tuition, $7,500 a year for the new dorms, and mandatory meal plans certainly help pay for the scholarships that the academic elite kids are given.</p>

<p>yeah, on facebook in the roommate talks, it seems there are quite a lot of OOS kids who are not in honors (and thus probably not getting scholarship $$.)</p>

<p>*My mother asked today-How is Alabama giving all of these scholarships??? *</p>

<p>The scholarships are being paid for by donors and endowments. </p>

<p>It may seem like everyone gets a scholarship by what people post here, but in reality, the majority of students are paying for most/all of their own costs.</p>

<p>Turning down the following for the Presidential Scholarship/Honors College at UA:</p>

<p>Auburn Honors College (& full-tuition scholarship)
Furman University (with scholarship)
Wake Forest University
Washington and Lee University
Davidson College</p>

<p>I couldn’t be happier with my decision!</p>