Which schools have a pre-orientation program with an outdoor component?

Hi guys, I know schools like Dartmouth and Yale have pre- orientation programs where groups of students go hiking, kayaking, etc. I was wondering if anyone knew of any other schools like this? Thanks!

Lots of other schools have this option. Search the websites of the colleges on your list for their welcome week section. It may take some digging around to find the right words (new freshmen, class of 2023, etc).

Washington and Lee has a number of pre-orientation session options. Along with service type stuff are several hikes/camping trips. I think they even had several at different skill/wilderness levels

Williams College

Amherst and Bowdoin

Kalamazoo College

My niece just spent time on one before her orientation at Towson U (outside of Baltimore)


My D19 loved her pre-orientation rock climbing trip with William & Mary. One of her friends had a great time backpacking with George Washington. I think it’s a great idea and fairly common.

Middlebury, Colgate and Hamilton

Penn State AURORA

Wake Forest

You may also want to consider at which schools these programs are required, an aspect that will substantially affect participation.

Too many to list, in fact so many that I’d go at it from the other direction. Find schools that are appropriate in other ways then check to see if they have an outdoor pre-orientation program. A 2011 study estimated that at that time


Rice’s O week is a lot of fun too.

Colby’s COOT program is awesome and required for an incoming students. Helps that they are in “Vacationland” (if the Maine license plate is to be believed.)

Agree with @sue22 - too many to list. Some have trips like this for all new students but for some it is just an option a few take, some schools charge extra for these trips and some include the cost for all.

In my experience such trips are part of orientation and are offered along with not-camping/outdoor options like art or drama or community service and such.

Haverford has an optional one (along with other non-outdoorsy ones) prior to customs week.

Kenyon and Lehigh both offer optional pre-orientation programs.

A lot do. Bates College has one.