which scores to send

<p>DAMMIT 33 BOTH TIMES lkajsdflkjsadlf</p>

<p>number one:
english 33
math 34
reading 32
sci 34
writing+english 32 (essay 10)</p>

<p>number two:
english 24
math 33
reading 31
sci 34
writing+ english 35 (essay 12)</p>

<p>asldkfjasdlk;fjsladkjf im so frsutrated a few more questions right and i could have gotten 34 at LEAST</p>

<p>Assuming that on number two, the 24 is actually a 34, then that one looks better in my opinion.
However, the first one is technically higher. I just think that the high Writing/English score looks pretty on the second one.</p>

<p>I’d say the first one, because some higher schools only look at math and reading scores anyway</p>

<p>I like the 12 essay on the second one, but your 4 scores added up are 133 on the first one compared to 132 on the second. I really don’t think it matters which one you send.</p>