<p>Hey, I'm going to be applying to many top schools in a few months, HYPS etc etc etc. and I was wondering which ones put more of an emphasis on E.C.s and leadership</p>
<p>Funny thing, ECs. In actuality, the majority of schools don't care all that much about ECs, but those "highly ranked" ones have to put some weight into it to separate applicants. So, to answer your question, none of them put ECs over grades, if that was what you were asking.</p>
<p>They use them as a seperator among comparable applicants unless they are amazing.</p>
<p>If you raised 50 million dollars to build a university in Africa - They'll put a lot of weight on it.</p>
<p>If you spent a lot of time volunteering, they'll put you above a kid who had similar stats, but sat on his but.</p>
<p>But MORE weight on them - non-'tech' schools.</p>
<p>Our local newspaper feature a hs girl that won $10K scholarship, came from a reasonable good school district with 4.6 GPA, and have passion/heart in her ECs, like volunteer to help poor people in Mexico, etc, I mean the kind of ECs you keep hearing other parent in the Parent Forum think highly off.
Guess where she is going for college, UCBerkeley. It kind of made me wonder.</p>
<p>Note, I'm not saying that UCB is a bad school.</p>
<p>Why was this girl in the newspaper? I don't see how she's truly OUTSTANDING. We see more impressive people on CC everyday...</p>
<p>I know that they won't put them above grades, but which schools want better rounded students instead of your really intelligent kids who don't do anything but study?</p>
<p>She won local scholarship competition, but somehow she was single out to be featured among 30 other kids who also won the $10K.
I don't know her stats, they did not list everything, they only printed her GPAs and her EC as the most important.</p>
<p>I think ALL top universities want "your really intelligent kids" who ALSO do a lot outside of studying. </p>
<p>That's funny. I wonder why she was singled out...</p>
<p>People who apply to the Ivies generally have >2300 SAT, >33 ACT, and 4.0 GPAs- okay not literally. The point is that if you are competing with a highly qualified applicant pool, then ECs are what will set you apart from the other 20000 perfect students.</p>
<p>yes.. maybe i'm not coming through, but i'm asking, because i myself have a 35 ACT, but only around a 3.8 gpa at a really competitive school. I wan't to know if I can get into any elite school if i'm very strong in E.C's (president of clubs, national qualifier in policy debate, state winner in pfd, all-region track, tons of piano accolades.)</p>
<p>y-e-s (10 char)</p>
<p>Every Top College Emphasizes It.</p>
<p>It's emphasized once you have the stats.
Like, you need the stats for consideration. EC's will help sell you.</p>
<p>I think Stanford put more emphasis on ECs.</p>