<p>I know most of the elite schools in the US like the ivies place lots of importance on extracurriculars or that's what i've gathered from this forum. What are some of the schools that I can still get into that place a less importance on ec's and more importance on grades/SAT's? </p>
<p>I know that grades are important for the ivies, but since all the applicants have pretty much the same grade, its more the ec's and the essay which matter more?</p>
<p>Here are my stats for those interested
4.0/4.0 GPA</p>
<p>Rank: top 5 /150</p>
<p>and I take the highest workload possible with the most number of subjects.</p>
<p>I'm probably doing engineering-maybe CS, and I'm an international applicant.</p>
<p>I do have EC's but theyre too insignificant to be mentioning esp. with some of the stuff I've seen in the chances forum.
With an amazing essay and recommendations, what are some of the top universities I can aim for?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>