Which UC for Computer Science?

I want to get into UC Berkeley or UCSD, but I think my chances are not that high.
If i dont get into either one of them, which UC should I go?
I don’t really care about the environment.
Is there any other colleges in CA thats good with CS? Thanks

ranked 1)Berkeley 2)UCSD 3)UCLA(SD and LA basicaly interchangeable for comp sci) 4) UCSB 5)UCI 6)UCSC 7)UCD
8)UCR 9) UC Merced

What’s your UC GPA and SAT/ACT score that can give us a better idea at what school you could be looking at

I don’t know if Buckets means grad rankings because I don’t know of any meaningful undergrad ones. But many UC have very strong CS aside from the ones you name. I think UCI particularly, and UCSB is not going to be shabby at much, same Davis.

My UC GPA is 4.15 and SAT is 1960

Your best chances for CS at the UC’s would be UC Davis, Santa Barbara, Irvine, Santa Cruz and Riverside. Your UC GPA is on target for these schools but SAT could be higher. Any chance of retaking and bump it up 100 or so points?

You are a solid Match for UCSC and UCR. The mid-tiers could go either way. You should also consider San Jose State. Their CS program is excellent and competitive plus the great location: Silicon Valley.

@Gumbymom would you say that UCSC gets the advantage over any of the schools Davis SB and irvine based simply off the fact that it is in silicon valley(for comp sci) or do the prestige of Davis SB and Irvine trump UCSC I’m talking based off purely post-graduation oppurtionities

Santa Cruz isn’t really that close to Silicon Valley. It would be a good commute down that hill. I think Davis would be stronger than Santa Cruz.

It’s fairly close though

Forty minutes without traffic. Imagine regular traffic to get there! There’s no real direct route. Are you familiar with the area???

Not that close, and not an easy commute:


@auntbea not personally but many of my friends go to the school and have internships in silicon valley

My family lived in Santa Cruz when I was younger and commuted to the San Jose area to work. From everything they’ve told me, there was nearly always heavy traffic and it was a generally stressful drive. They still refuse to drive it unless there’s no other choice, not that it matters much anymore because we usually don’t have any reason to go to Santa Cruz.

Yes, it’s close enough to get internships. But most people that I know of that get internships in the Silicon Valley rent an apartment or room for that time period, unless they’re living with family in the area. And for what it’s worth, I go to Davis and most CS people I know who get internships get them in the Silicon Valley.

It is a challenging drive to go from Santa Cruz to Silicon Valley or vice versa, especially on the stretch of mountain road on Hwy. 17. When rush hour traffic is factored into the equation, it is even worse. You would be better off renting in the area if you have a summer job in Silicon Valley. UCD is a better choice than UCSC, even without considering the commute from Santa Cruz to Silicon Valley.

At least 17 has a divider now. In the old days, it was really scary.

If you are not familiar with the drive, why would you assume that it is an easy commute? Please re-read @PhantomVirgo and @UCBUSCalum’s comments above.

I’m surprised well it’s just from what I’ve heard from friends so you guys think Davis is a better option for CS then SC

It really depends on personal opinion and the prestige of the school overall since the CS and engineering programs in general at most UCs aren’t going to be substantially different and thus will receive a similar quality of education no matter which UC you choose.

I would advise that you chose not based on which school people say has the “best” program, rather, chose based on the environment where you believe you flourish in the most. But to answer your question directly, Davis is more “prestigious” than UCSC and I am currentlenjoying the campus and the college town