Which UC schools accept January SAT score?

<p>I’m in big trouble right now… Because I was sick on earlier this month, I could not finish my SAT IIs… And I did not know that UCs dont’ accept January score until like a week ago… But now I know that Riverside and Santa Cruz accepts January score… Does anyone know if anywhere else accepts January score? Please help me because I’ve applied mostly to UCs and my expections were way higher than Riverside and Santa Cruz… (I’m hopiong at least UCI or Davis or SB would accept January score… please god…)</p>

<p>They still take your application if you haven't taken the SAT IIs but I highly doubt Irvine, Davis SB or even SC accept January scores.. your best bet is Riverside and Merced, but I would still call and ask and explain that you were sick.</p>

<p>You should explain that you were sick. Otherwise, I don't think Irvine/SB/D accept January scores regularly. UCSC and Riverside extended their deadlines because no one was applying or something. UCM was accepting people that didn't even apply >_>;;</p>

<p>Since the January exams are not scored soon enough, the scores do not make it to our office in time to complete the normal application reviews. If you are not admitted please contact the office to discuss any appeal options you might have. The scores can be taken into consideration during the appeal review; although there isn’t any guarantee. Each appeal case is considered on a case by case basis and the decision will be made to accept January exam scores based on the information received in the appeal.</p>