Which UCs consider alternate majors?

I know that some UCs consider alternate majors and some don’t? But I’m not sure which. My friend got into UC Irvine but as undeclared when she wanted to get into nursing. Personally I am probably going to apply either CS or Pharmaceutical Chem (ik, very different majors) at the UCs, but I would like to still have a backup major I still am interested because it’s highly probable I won’t be accepted into my first choice.

UCI/UCSB/UCSD/UCR will all consider your alternate majors and if you are not accepted into either of your choice majors, you could get accepted as Undeclared.

UCLA/UCB do not consider alternate majors for Engineering applicants. Major is not considered when applying to the College of Letters and Sciences.

What does consider mean? Does it mean that if you don’t get accepted into your first choice, you get accepted into the second choice?

@Danielj1415: It means if not accepted into your first choice major, they will consider admitting you into your 2nd choice alternate major and sometimes into Undeclared. It depends upon your alternate major choice since several schools have limitations.

Just wondering, I put CSE Computer Software and Engineering as my first choice and Civil Engineering as my alternate. If I don’t get accepted into CSE, would they consider CE?

For which schools?

UCI. For CSE, I don’t know which one (either Donald Bren or Henry Samueli) For Civil Engineering (Henry Samueli)


In the case that UCI is unable to accommodate all qualified applicants in their first-choice major, those students who indicate a valid alternate major may be offered admission in that major. Students who wish to change their major after enrolling at UCI must submit an Undergraduate Petition for Change of Major to the academic counseling office in the school or program of their prospective major.

so is my alternate major not valid?

@Danielj1415: Usually if you are applying for an Engineering major, selecting another Engineering major is not a good strategy since all are usually competitive. The schools that consider alternate majors usually recommend to select a major in the another College such as Physics or Chemistry etc…
You will find out once you have your decision.