Which Undergraduate for Physical Therapy?

<p>I am conflicted by which undergrad. major to select. I'd like to select one that will serve well as a backup in the event that I just get burnt out from school or not qualifying for graduate school. </p>

<p>I've done some research and I basically wouldn't want to end up with exercise physiology as a career as I've got the vibe that jobs are hard to fetch with a very unrewarding salary. Kinesiology seems interesting, however when I searched to see what type of jobs it produced mainly what I saw was a career in massage therapy.. something I'd like to avoid. I noticed other undergrad options as bachelor of science, but it seems very general what type of jobs would I be able to have the option of? </p>

<p>Being older (29 & married) I just feel like my window is very very slim so there's just no room for error. I'd appreciate any tips or thoughts in advance =)</p>

<p>How about nursing?</p>