
<p>My D has been accepted to some wonderful colleges and now is time to pick one!
A little bit about my D-Her goal is to go in to corporate law at a Fortune 500 company with a back up plan of working for a Fortune 500 company in Marketing or Management if she ultimately changes her mind about law. She has done well in a competitive Public HS with competitive grades and pedestrian SAT's for all the colleges listed. She will have taken 8 AP courses, strong leadership activity (Editor in Chief of Yearbook and other things), is mature for her age, a hard worker, creative, good writer and decent in Math (B's unweighted/A weighted in honors PreCalcand AP Statistics.</p>

<p>We will have visited all of the colleges before she makes her choice but for this exercise lets assume that she can fit culturally in any of them and that we are willing to pay tuition for whichever one she chooses.</p>

<p>Here are her options:</p>

<p>U Mich-USNWR Overall rank 28, B School rank 3, WSJ Corporate Recruiter overall rank 6 and for Business 1 (obviously the best school with the others one notch below but is it the best one for her?)
D did not get in to Ross direct, will have to apply for sophomore year (about 37% get admitted), daughter is in low end of 25/75% admitted student profile. </p>

<p>Ohio State-USNWR 55, B School 14, WSJ CR 12/Business ranked 2
Direct Admit to B School, honors program and Scholarship $ that will bring tuition below instate Cali costs.</p>

<p>U Wisconsin-USNWR 42, B School 14, WSJ CR 16/not ranked for Business but ranked 5 for Management
Direct Admit L&S honors program but will have to apply to B school while at Wisconsin (60% admitted)</p>

<p>U Florida-USNWR 58, B School 28, WSJ CR 9/Business ranked 23
Direct Admit to B School and honors program</p>

<p>U Wash-USNWR 42, B School 20, WSJ CR overall not ranked but ranked 18 for business
Will have to apply to B school while at U Wash (50% admitted)</p>

<p>So which one do you think and why? Please keep the thread focused on the topic and it will be very helpful to my D as we go through the process.I will post this on the forum for each college on this list.</p>

<p>What strikes me about your post is that your daughter wants to be a corporate lawyer. I assume it is about the money, as I have not come across too many high school people who dream of representing giant corporations. I think all of the schools are very good, and as cost is not an option, she should go by what is a good fit. The most important things to become a corporate attorney are the law school attended and law school grades, not so much undergrad.</p>

<p>I don’t mean to stereotype, but I never thought of Madison or Washington as breeding grounds for corporate lawyers. Then again, part of going to college is meeting a variety of people with a variety of views. When I think corporate law, I think Michigan (at least the law school).</p>

<p>Ohio State sounds good for business…Direct Admit to B School, honors program and Scholarship $. Seems nice to be admitted to the business school in an honors program at a great school and to not have to worry about being denied admission in sophomore year. Personally, I would put that above Florida.</p>

<p>Again, the schools are all great, and there probably is one your d would love. If $$ is not a restriction, she should follow her heart.</p>

<p>BTW, I read another reply on one of your other threads that law schools care mostly about stats and not undergrad. I agree with that. If your daughter KNOWS she wants law school, (in my world unfortunately) getting in is just a game of stats. Better off with an A in easy classes than B’s in molecular biology or whatever. My experience is law schools care about stats…what GPA and LSAT they can claim…above all else.</p>

<p>Consider her college life and not just the rankings. Also consider what each school’s honors program consists of- the available courses. I have perused several college honors wbsites and foundmany differences. Some require set survey courses while UW offers stellar courses in many diverse fields including ILS- integrated liberal studies starting with freshman year (math, physics, biology, chemistry sequences for the scirence minded) and other course opportunities all 4 years.</p>

<p>HS friend of son’s recently graduated from UW’s school of Business and deferred his U of Michigan law school admission to work for a year or so. It is possible to get admitted to other law schools than the one you go to for undergrad. There will be plenty of time for her to become the type of lawyer she imagines once she is in law school. </p>

<p>I am assuming finances are not an issue for your family and all schools are OOS (CA residents?). Therefore the choice becomes which atmosphere does she want to be in. Locations- UWash is Pacific NW, some are Midwest and there’s FL, all flying, not driving. Three different climates to consider- does she have any thoughts about dealing with high heat/humidity or winters? Does she want a liberal campus? Are state finances in good shape, assuring she will get the classes she wants? UW did a surcharge and hire more teaching personnel.</p>

<p>She will do her best where she is happiest, ie get the stellar grades to allow her to have law school options. Which school does she favor? Where does she see spending 4 years? Any of these schools can open doors and none of them guarantee success. She made decisions last fall in picking schools to apply to. Now is the time for her to go with her gut (heart) feelings and pick one of these. Don’t agonize over the decision and let her enjoy being a college student. She may discover another passion while in college- another reason to be in love with the college and not just use it as a stepping stone to a future program. She’ll be making law school decisions in a few short years- that is the time to consider which school is best for her ultimate law career.</p>