<p>ME! <em>raises hand</em>
I found out the news in the middle of an amazing discussion in my school's diversity club and the whole discussion just stopped short b/c some girls were so upset that someone they never knew and probably didn't even like kicked the bucket. I didn't care about her when she was alive and I certainly still don't care or think that I need to put on a semblance of concern now that she's dead. There are definitely more important issues to be dealt with (Imus not being one of them--that jerk needs to stop being given so much attn..) than some stupid, golddigging slut who was just taking up vital natural resources.</p>
<p>it doesnt really bother me that much.
shes not really affecting meee at all</p>
<p>"than some stupid, golddigging slut who was just taking up vital natural resources."</p>
<p>Geez, give the woman some peace.</p>
<p>she's dead. she has all the peace she needs.</p>
<p>Anna Nicole Smith is dead?</p>
<p>Smallz3141: haha?</p>
<p>Oh, so she is dead...</p>
<p>I cannot imagine how anyone doesn't know she is dead. I'm pretty sure the undeveloped embryos in all living entities now know about it!</p>
<p>I'm sure the undeveloped embryos in all unliving entities do too!
and maybe in some undead entities...</p>
<p>I didn't know she was dead until today. I thought she married someone, or shaved her head, or did some crazy thing no one really should carry about.
I still don't understand why people care about her so much. I understand that she is dead, but people die everyday -- it's not good to cry about every one of them.</p>
<p>haha, shaved her head--you really are mixed up mr_chipset.
i wish i was less in tune with the celebrity world, it really is rotting my brain. but i dont read any gossip magazines at all or watch any celebrity news channels--it's sad that its all being put out by average mainstream newspapers and media sources now too.
i'd support crying for every one of them if i felt that every one of them deserved it.</p>
<p>ME. And I am sick of hearing about Britney Spears. Just leave them alone.</p>
<p>Im not sure they want to be left alone.
Why else would Britney shave her head if not for publicity?</p>
<p>Because she is mentally ill.</p>
<p>Ah, the insanity card nyjunior.
Well, then maybe she should have stayed in rehab for more than several days, don't you think?</p>
<p>Yes, but some people who are mentally ill do not want to stay at rehab. And plus, her mental illness is her fault, so I don't sympathize with her, whereas there are people who are involuntarily mentally ill. For instance, Kurt Vonnegut (who died yesterday by the way), developed mental illness after seeing the catastrophic Dresden Bombings' effects firsthand himself during WW2 when he was only in his teens. Whereas BS's illness is due to money, booze, and sex. So I really don't give a crap about her, just like I didn't give about Nicole Smith.</p>
<p>Preach it, nyjunior!
I really need to read a Vonnegut....</p>
Don't you live in Egypt stuck? Why are you complaining, I'm sure you don't see it anywhere near as much as people in the US.
<p>Of course it's not as intense as in the US, But given Egypt's newfound "globalization", any meaningless waste of time going on anywhere in the world is to be blown completely out of proportion.
Plus, most the channels we get here are not from around here, so what they show us is what we watch.</p>
<p>anyway, I think this whole thing is goingto blow over soon. The blonde guy was proven to be the dad and "changed her dipper, fed her apple juice and played with a toy". I believe it will all end soon. No?</p>
<p>Let's make up headlines that would take away the press from Anna and baby/babydaddy. I'll start:</p>
<p>Imus Admits He's Really Half-Black!</p>
<p>^ ooooohhhhhh, that's a good one</p>