Who else is absolutely sick of hearing about Anna Nicole Smith and her kid?

<p>If I see her or her kid's face on TV or even hear about them or the custody battle and the endless parade of men who claim to have fathered the baby, I'm going to jump out of my balcony. </p>

<p>I really can't take it any more, it's on every channel - all the time!!</p>

<p>Doesn't this stuff usually blow over eventually? This is taking quite a while to go the hell away!</p>

<p>And what really ****es me off is that people never get tired of talking about her!</p>

<p>ME! It's not like this is a serious matter of justice anyway. It doesn't matter, it doesn't affect our lives...oy, my sister is obsessed with it!</p>

<p>I know. It's both ridiculous and tragic that the whole affair has so much coverage.</p>

<p>And it's been dragging out FOREVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVER! It won't go away?
I don't even remember the last time the media made such a fuss over something like this!</p>

<p>Who is Anna Nicole Smith?</p>

<p>I can't believe that I almost believed you were serious.</p>

<p>With all the coverage she and her kid and her fatherS have ben getting, it's just impossible!</p>

<p>I've been over this story and ready for it to go away since a few days after it happened!</p>

<p>I'm sure that the public passed the "mourning" period about a month ago. Now there's much more publicity involving the custody battle and that Prince (currently candidate number 3) who said he's the dad.</p>

<p>omg! I can't believe I actually know that!
I don't think I'll watch TV till it's safe again.</p>

<p>I am serious. I had to google her.</p>

<p>I'm incredulous.</p>

<p>And you know, the only reason they made a fuss over the baby daddy was because of her money.</p>

<p>I'm not. If you don't like it, change the channel. Woo.</p>

<p>Well since the I-man got fired today, this will knock off Anna Nicole and get round the clock coverage now.</p>

<p>pugfug - I was wondering when someone would come over in their defense.</p>

<p>I think I'm made it abundantly clear that she's on EVERY CHANNEL!</p>

<p>joev - I doubt it. Anna's story is much more appealing to the general public.</p>

<p>Oh yeah. I don't watch TV at all. The last I have seen anything on TV was about a year ago.</p>

<p>are you serious?!
But even if you don't watch TV, she's all over newspaper/channel websites. Newspapers, people's convirsations! Everywhere!</p>

<p>I'm way more sick of hearing about Iraq and the presidential candidates. But yeah. The media is weird.</p>

<p>I'm sick of her, I never thought she was worth a second of media coverage. Especially for her to get more coverage than fallen soldiers makes me sick. But what ever sells.</p>

<p>Don't you live in Egypt stuck? Why are you complaining, I'm sure you don't see it anywhere near as much as people in the US.</p>

<p>"I think I'm made it abundantly clear that she's on EVERY CHANNEL!"
If you have no life and just watch the news ROFL</p>

are you serious?!
But even if you don't watch TV, she's all over newspaper/channel websites. Newspapers, people's convirsations! Everywhere!


Alright, I saw her name on front of magazine. But I had no idea who she was until today.</p>