Who else is getting very unsure about college?


<p>I thought I was ready to start applications and all that. I thought I was ready for college.</p>

<p>But the past few days, I've been questioning pretty much everything.</p>

<p>Do I really want to go to a uni with 50,000 students?
Is engineering the right major for me? Would I get bored of it? Is it what I really want?</p>


<p>I had been pretty sure that it was the right career choice. But now I just don't know. I'm afraid it'll be too drab, too boring to do for the rest of my life.</p>

<p>I'm afraid I'll get lost among the 50,000 at UT.</p>

<p>Music has been my passion throughout high school. Plenty of individual accolades [all state], amazing choir experiences [performing at ACDA national convention in LA, winning our state Madrigal/Chamber Choir festival], etc....</p>

<p>Not to say that my academics weren't important. I'd like to think my stats stack up pretty well.</p>

<p>I've excelled in math and it has always come easy for me.</p>

<p>I never really thought I wanted to do music as a career, until about now. I'm kinda sorta considering it...</p>

<p>Really, in a perfect world, I'd do both.</p>

<p>It's a shame high school choir directors [and teachers in general] are underpaid...lol =/</p>

<p>I'm just feeling so undecided and lost right now.</p>


<p>I know some of you are feeling this way too. :(
Come, vent.</p>

<p>I feel the same way. I'm beginning to question whether I can be an engineering major. I received an 86 on my first ap physics c test and a 85 on my first calculus test. And this is just basic concepts.</p>

<p>Then there is the thought of going to UT or A&M with huge amounts of people, and I'm not sure if this is right for me.</p>

<p>IDK, i guess we'll all see once we get into college. I can always transfer/change majors.</p>

<p>I know EXACTLY how you feel! I'm just so SCARED! All these what-ifs....what if I don't get in anywhere? What if I hate where I end up? What if I can't afford it and have to take out huge loans and work my entire life to repay them? What if I don't get into a good enough undergrad to get into med school and can't go into medicine and end up doing something I hate?<br>
It's so intimidating that a wrong choice now could ruin/alter significantly the course of my life.</p>

<p>Arggggh. Feels good to vent & find some commiseration</p>

<p>I'll join the freaking-out club.</p>

<p>I'm very lucky in that my parents will do what they can to pay for where ever I want to go. But I'm just not sure if it's worth it to put my parents through that kind of strain so I can go to a "name" school (IF i can even get into one!) or if I should go somewhere I can get a good scholarship, but without the prestige.</p>

<p>Then of course there's the question of getting in anywhere. People keep asking me what I want to study in college, and honestly? i have noooo clue! I'm scared that nothing will keep my interest for all of college, or that i'll flip out and want to change majors somewhere along the way. </p>

<p>ahhh, senior year is crazy!</p>

<p>REMEBER: you can ALWAYS change your major!!!</p>

<p>I'm a junior, so I guess I have this year to freak out about grades before I freak out about actually going to college. I've been looking foward to college since like 8th grade, so hopefully I'll be alright when the process really starts.</p>

<p>ugh yeah i have no idea what i want to do in terms of a career...</p>

<p>and i'm getting zero financial aid but my parents don't want to pay 40-45k per year for me to go to college soo they're like we'll pay 20k a year figure the rest out yourself. and the public uni is not an option because a.) it's rutgers which was bad already and corzine sucks so now it's even worse and it's also in an unsafe area and b.) i get majorly overwhelmed at large colleges so that would make me miserable.

<p>and i suck at writing essays and i have no idea what to put for any of them</p>

<p>Don't worry too much guys, I was exactly in the same place as you last year, but then I realized, just take things one step at a time, don't look too far into the future, and be happy with what's given to you and then the time that you have taken thinking about college won't be as bad. So good luck with applications and all, and just try to enjoy your senior year.</p>

<p>sign me up for the freak-out club. my parents are breathing down my neck to finish applications before the school year starts to get hard. ITS ALREADY HARD! every once in a while i have the momentary freak-out when all i can think is "what if i don't get in anywhere? will i have to form my own school when all people do is watch girls float across the pool? (from the movie Accepted)" and after this summer, i have no idea what i want to study anymore. all i want to do is go back to china or join the peace corps. i'm tired of school and all i want to do is take a break, and i've only been back for 2 weeks. only 171 more days to go! hahah</p>

a.) it's rutgers which was bad already and corzine sucks so now it's even worse and it's also in an unsafe area and b.) i get majorly overwhelmed at large colleges so that would make me miserable.


<p>I know Rutgers is big but.. does the Honors College make it seem smaller? (If you could even get in?). And is New Brunswick an unsafe area? </p>

<p>Relax, guys. I am panicking too. But I have learned to take it one day at a time (sometimes).</p>

<p>Just remember, some teens in other places can't even GO to college at all, let alone high school. They might have to leave to work for their families. Or the universities there may be too expensive. Not every country has financial aid either. The government has other things to worry about, so you are pretty much on your own.</p>

<p>Just think: all YOU have to do is file a paper (with no charge) to get some financial aid. And if you don't get any there are plenty of other ways to pay.</p>

<p>And there are so many colleges to choose from. You have no limits, only the ones you place on yourself.</p>

<p>Just put some things in perspective ;)</p>

<p>yeah new brunswick is not exactly the safest place. the honors college is fine and all but it's just not what i want from a college at all considering i'm looking at all LACs and rutgers is like the complete opposite of that. and no one from my school has gone to rutgers in the past like 10 years so they'd be like what are you doing ??
plus my father wouldn't even let me go there because of the area.</p>

<p>I freak out more about how there's no way I'll get into these schools (reading chances threads on here is a majoooor reason for that) but my biggest problem is switching my top choice every week. Right now it's a toss up between UMich (in-state safe match) or Brown (super reach, possible unaffordable). I can't apply ED anywhere because I'm afraid that two weeks after I get an acceptance letter I would decide that it's not the college for me.</p>

<p>yessss, adrian, same in many ways. I won't to ED anywhere...I'm SO indecisive, and it would be my luck to make a bad bad bad choice and be stuck with it. I want desperately to get into Brown, but on top of probably not being good enough to get in, I could NEVER afford it and I don't really want to take out that much in loans :(</p>

<p>I'm afraid too. I have three more years of high school, and everyone keeps telling me that my tenth and eleventh grades are the most important years of my life because they determine my future. Then I took a look at some people's stats and I feel like I've wasted my freshman year. I have a goal for the future, but now that I look at what others have accomplished I feel so behind. I know it's bad to compare, but I can't help it, and I can't help but feel like one wrong decision will cost me my whole future. I'm starting to lose hope of ever going to schools like NorthWestern, or Brown.</p>

<p>I'm afraid of my chances of getting into college, but not of college itself.</p>

<p>Oh yes, sign me up for the freak out club! And I'm just a junior! I never thought I'd say this, but thank God for my english teacher 'cause in her class she's does sort of this college unit like what to expect & paying for college, whole 9 yards. So maybe after that class I'll be freaking out less.</p>

<p>Volleyball0815, if you are freaking out now I feel sorry for you, because it's only going to get worse after you take that class and it will definitely be worse when you start applying to colleges. (By the way, if they 0815 stands for your birthday, I have the same one, go Leos)</p>

<p>But yes, I am questioning everything too. I thought that filling out the applications would be easy, but I can't even decide what priority-order to put my extracurriculars in, I know it won't make that big of a deal, but I can't make a choice. And I thought I would have my essays done over the summer too, but that's not happening. I just hope that a few weekends this year I can really buckle down and tackle one application at a time. I just hope inspiration for a good essay comes in time.</p>

<p>I'm on your boat with the essays. I also don't want to do those little ones about which EC means the most to you and blah blah blah...</p>


<p>yeah... I've suddenly decided to question everything that I've done with my life for the past 4 years...</p>

<p>ditto to alllllllllllllllllllll :(</p>