Who got else accepted? Class of 2021!

DD just got accepted for 2021!!!’ Yay!!!

Applied: 7/26/16

Honors college tabs are up and a message that says Welcome!

The Honors app is now open for DS along with him being able to pay the deposit and that app says he is admitted. But I didn’t see any welcome message…

I had to go back to see what it said. You are right. It doesn’t say welcome. (Too excited!!!- I guess) when you click enrollment deposit, it says "you have been admitted… Congratulations. Formal notification follows by snail mail from what I’ve read.

Applied: 7/1/2016
Accepted: 9/6/2016

Paid the deposit and applied to the Honors College!

I must be blind put where is the tab to let you pay the deposit??

Never mind, finally found it. Yay!

DS17 accepted today!

Applied on August 4th and just saw my acceptance today! Roll Tide!

How do we do the honors application?

Roll tide!! applied Aug 12th accepted today :slight_smile:

Be sure to post on the “Class of 2021 - Who’s applied and who’s been accepted?” stickied thread at the top.

Applied July 1st, admitted September 6th! Roll tide!

They received my son’s ACT scores on the 8th and it says “Accepted” on his application!!!

I was accepted on the 6th, roll tide! (:

D had the student tab show up last week, received the official letter in the mail yesterday, and was notified of Honors College acceptance today! Things are moving along!

Does anyone know when you get scholarship confirmation?

Anyone from New Jersey ?

I am from NJ and just got accepted today.

I’m from New Jersey and I got accepted last week.

Just got the email for acceptance to the honors program.