<p>I still haven't heard back from the honors college, and I'm starting to worry that it's because I got accepted. I know one of my friends has already been accepted. But it seems weird I would get rejected to the honors college when I got accepted to Carnegie Mellon and waitlisted at Rice yesterday.</p>
<p>Well I have not heard back yet either. I am sure all of us who are waiting still are dying with anticipation. I am not sure what I am going to do if I don’t get in.</p>
<p>When did your friend get notified?</p>
<p>I know a few in state friends who have received their acceptances, not any rejects though as far as I know. It seems pretty sporadic and spread out though, although one of my highly qualified friends hasn’t even gotten his ordinary admissions letter yet! Take the recent budget cuts into consideration, and you can bet they’re understaffed and swamped at the office of admissions.</p>
<p>She got notified at the end of Jan or in Feb. She doesn’t remeber exactly when. She has stellar extracurriculars and test scores, along with very good grades, so if anyone would be admitted early it would be her.</p>
<p>I just heard back today and I got in! Don’t lose hope! I turned my application in back in November, so I wouldn’t worry too much. I’ve heard that they go through the applications randomly.</p>
<p>oh. I meant rejected in my original post, not accepted. I definitely wouldn’t be worried about being accepted. :)</p>
<p>Well I just got rejected. It feels absolutely terrible. I never actually imagined what I would do if this happens. I should have applied to Whitman or something. ■■■. Now I have to choose between being just a face in the crowd at UW or if I am going to SeattleU. UGH.</p>
<p>I just got rejected too. But I’m not really sad, because FA was terrible so I’m not going there anyways.</p>
<p>SarSarHanHan, you can still do departmental honors, which for me (engineering major) is far more appealing. After looking at the program extensively earlier this year, it just didn’t appeal to me at all. There aren’t many academic or social benefits in my opinion, and graduating from honors program won’t help you that much down the line, and little, if any more than departmental honors will.</p>
<p>how’d you find out whether you were rejected or accepted? the myuw site? email? reg mail?</p>
<p>Regular Mail now, the UW site is defunct.</p>
<p>Yeah I am looking at Departmental Honors or trying to get into the Honors Program next year. I need to start self-studying chemistry again so I can at least make it into the Honors Chem sequence hopefully (Chem major).</p>
<p>And the rejections do come by mail. Sad letter to read…</p>