Who here feels the same way?

<p>Anyone else feel as if the upcoming college years are more socializing and finding yourself than high school? I mean we all worked so hard in high school, dont we ever get that balance of social+working hard (for those non balanced this high school year). And When I say this I mean friend/social wise not clubs. </p>

<p>I have literally quit drinking just so in college I can make up for it. </p>

<p>Anyone else on the same page?</p>

<p>Yeah, that's basically what college is for. Finding oneself. Whether that be majors, friends, or whatever, it's basically high school's big payoff. I'll be relieved to be there.</p>

<p>I already started doing that this year. I've been surfing the internet for like 5 hrs a day learning so much. And not really doing any hw.</p>

<p>If you take a week off in high school to find yourself, it's no big deal.
If you take a week off in college to find yourself, suddenly you're failing all your classes.</p>

<p>Sure, my social life's better in college now, but you have to work much, much harder to even stay above water. There's a new concept to learn every week, and if you don't get it, you're screwed because they won't review it for you later. Or maybe that's just 'cause I'm at Caltech.</p>

<p>^ mhm last sentence got me</p>

<p>A social imbalance for just one year? Hmm...try all of high school. Hopefully things will definitely change in college (actually, I'm sure they will), or else I'm doomed to a life of solitude.</p>

<p>Curse you Internetz!</p>

I already started doing that this year. I've been surfing the internet for like 5 hrs a day learning so much. And not really doing any hw.


<p>Oh god, I did that for 2 entire years.</p>

<p>(luckily I was at an early entrance program). but it ended up hurting my gpa, even though now i can finally go back to studying as much as I should. </p>

<p>but now I <em>really</em> <em>really</em> wish I somehow found an argument to homeschool myself for 2 years. (since frankly, I see the best way to "find yourself" as surfing the information superhighway [and writing A LOT - going all the way to analyze your views from the very fundamentals], rather than going to a foreign country or doing that sort of stuff, especially if you're of the more academic/reflective/theoretical type).</p>

<p>..***...why did my post count decrease from 926 to 918 since i last logged on...?
and my old account declined from 1045 to 1039???</p>

Oh god, I did that for 2 entire years.

sigh, i did that since 8th grade (junior now). And am still doing it.</p>