<p>Unfortunately it does not. I thought I would aid you my fellow internet OCD's with some words the came to me via the ubiquitous advice dispenser television. Relax your life is not defined by the institution at which you study. Remember life is not the process by which one creates a picture perfect resume, but a journey, hopefully, which at its heart should strives for personal satisfaction. You will not become a miserable failure if you are not admitted, nor would you have been a success had you attended the University of Chicago.</p>
<p>As I said in my beloved University of Chicago application: it is the journey, not the destination.</p>
<p>Why do you use words you don't need? It obscures your thoughts (which are banal, regardless.)</p>
<p>I love chocolate. I love UChicago. When I go to UChicago, the first thing I shall do is eat chocolate while walking through UChicago.</p>
<p>The mark of intelligence is expressing thought in simplest terms. I guess with that being said, we can infer into which catergory Mr. Strongbad fits. ;)</p>
<p>haha...how did this suddenly become: Stronbad the Fantabular vs. everyone</p>
<p>as soon as he tried to write smarter than he actually is</p>
<p>I think I sparked the hatred when I attacked him as pretentious and not witty in the other thread. It's true, though; verbose people feigning divine intelligence are more cantankerous than even the most dim-witted, uneducated of individuals.</p>
<p>Annoying posts aside, are you applying to Chicago, StF?</p>
<p>is the purpose of this post to convinnce people that if they dont have 100 percent chance of being atmitted at the university of chicago they should not to apply, and to apply only to their really safety schools so that there's less competition for you and you get a better chance at getting it. </p>
<p>I THINK IT IS. </p>
<p>we will not be silenced. we will apply in mass numbers by friend. mass numbers i say.</p>
<p>special_foreign: "we will not be silenced. we will apply in mass numbers by friend. mass numbers i say."</p>
<p>Hahaha, hoards of hungry Chicago prospects, forraging the Midwest for nerddom and overbearing work loads.</p>
<p>That's us. ;)</p>
<p>special foreign,</p>
<p>your response was quite startling to me. In this thread, we just like to have fun, pass time by till the infamous day that shall be rememberd forever, Dec. 15th. So, join us as we tease Strongbad, who seems to have disappeared. Futhermore, there is no "100 percent chance of being admitted at the university of chicago". And do not apply to the "safety schools" only. How will we grow when we don't take chances, eh? As to your response, I laughed a lot...and am still laughing! "we will not be silenced. we will apply in mass....mass..i say." haha...</p>
<p>I dunno, I say there's some merit in speaking the SBF. I don't think he's SERIOUS about it; it's more toungue-in-cheek. I write that way sometimes... if you're self-aware that you're using big words to be cool and use big words, then it's acceptable. </p>
<p>And sometimes the best way to write succintly is to use complex words; sometimes the best way to get a point across is to do it the long way. </p>
<p>That being said,omg stfu strongbad u r so dum!</p>
<p>*speaking like SBF</p>
<p>Usually I wouldn't bother to correct small mistakes but this one was too big to ignore.</p>
<p>I see that my post has caused some unintentioned responses. It was not my intent to offend anyone here. Nor was it my intent to sound pretentious. I appologize to this post. As a side not Strongbad is a cartoon at homestarrunner.com and he uses the word fantabular a lot.</p>
<p>Although I must say I don't think my comment merited the level of anger that it seems to have caused, after reading it I must say it does sound a little saturday specialish. I was just trying to lessen the tension in this forum.</p>
<p>haha....you could have just told us to go see Strongbad! Strongbad--the cartoon--rocks.</p>
<p>We seem to have gotton on the wrong foot. Introduce Yourself. A Senior applying to UChicago? </p>
<p>As for myself:</p>
<p>I am currently residing in South Carolina, an EA applicant to UofC, anxiously waiting for the FAT envelope, and desperate to leave South.</p>
<p>I am also a senior applying to chicago. I come from Toronto. I am not sure what exactly I would like to study which is one of the main reasons I applied to Chicago.</p>
<p>The Ugly One!!!</p>
<p>Hm, I can't wait any longer... I really wish I could find the schematics of that time machine......</p>
<p>strongbad </p>
<p>i was not offended by your post and i am not angry in any way. i was just joshing with you and mainly making fun of you. that was all.</p>
<p>good day.</p>