Who is applying EA, ED 2012-???

<p>so very sorry for those of you with long waits. Still sending out all positive thoughts.</p>

<p>I live in NY and i got my reply on monday, i’m so excited to be going to CC in the fall! good luck to everyone still waiting!</p>

<p>OMG! I’m at work right now and my mom just texted me a photo of a big envelope with Colorado College on it!! I don’t get off for 2 hours though so I have to wait to open it! She said it feels “thick, like it has lots of stuff in it”! This must be a good sign, right?!?</p>

<p>I’ll keep you guys posted!</p>

<p>congrats hopefulcctiger sounds like you are IN congrats. No news in ca for us.</p>

<p>Yeah, you’re in. Good job, and see you in August!</p>

<p>I got an email response to my inquiry today:</p>

<p>Hello, xxxxx-</p>

<p>We have made a decision regarding your application. We have sent our decision letters in the mail last week and you should be receiving your letter in the mail this week at your home address if not early next week depending on our fast the mail service is. I hope you have a joyous holiday season!</p>

<p>What does it mean? get in or not?</p>

<p>Congrats hopefulcctiger! I am from NY too, diruss202. What part of NY are you from? I live right outside of NYC. I got accepted on Tuesday. I cannot wait for next year!!!</p>

<p>You guys were right! I have been ACCEPTED! It’s such a relief.</p>

<p>I’m sending positive thoughts for everybody still waiting (especially the little California Contingent!)</p>

<p>Congrats! You are now truly a CC TIGER! so pleased for you.</p>

<p>Has there been no rejections this year? Scared if I will be the only one in here with rejection!</p>

<p>congrats Hopefulcctiger! happy for you!</p>

<p>Don’t worry, eehlauna :)</p>

<p>Mine was shipped on the 10th and I just received it today. Considering yours was only shipped two days earlier on the 8th and it has a LOT further to travel to get to you, I wouldn’t worry too much. Good luck! Sending positive thoughts to you!</p>

<p>Still waiting in N. Cal!</p>

<p>Weird, I live in NorCal and I got mine Tuesday…</p>

<p>Thank you hopefulCCtiger! I seriously hope everyone even internationals are getting regular mail. The main thing that is freaking me out is that last year, the guy accepted in CC from Nepal recieved his package through FedEx. And mine is sent through regular mail so I am praying that it doesn;t mean anything and that mail is a package not just a thin letter!</p>

<p>Well, still waiting here in CA… maybe today??? I think the anticipation and suspense is over now though… so that’s good. Everyone think positive thoughts for our mailbox today!!</p>

<p>I have a really good feeling you 5boys that you will get great news!! Hope I am right. A little less optimistic for my S, but we are at peace. Best wishes to all!!</p>

<p>With the emotional roller-coaster that all this involves, I think reaching the point of being at peace with whatever the outcome is constitutes “success.” That said, I’ve always thought of 5 as a lucky number. Positive thoughts that it will be so for you (two) as well.</p>

<p>I have a vague (pleasant) memory of eating 5 brownies before a Hendrix concert—never mind!</p>

<p>07DAD-- You’re making me laugh… and remember SoCA undergrad years in the 70’s!
A touch of levity helps anxiety. Good luck to the 5’s today… time for an answer.</p>

<p>Good luck all!</p>