Who is applying EA, ED 2012-???

<p>outdoors12, i live outside nyc too! i live in westchester county</p>

<p>nothing from CC in mail for us :((((, not a good sign. Sending hopeful thoughts to all still waiting. So appreciate all the support !!!</p>

<p>I’m sorry everyone has to wait so long! I live in westchester too.</p>

<p>I’m also in Westchester…but applied EA. I assume I shouldn’t be expecting anything until later next week?</p>

<p>Nothing in my mailbox, they must have sent it by pony express</p>

<p>Congrats all who have received acceptance! I’m still waiting…</p>

<p>Still waiting desperately! Hope I get something in my POB tomorrow.</p>



<p>I would not take these delays as any kind of sign at all.
CC typically includes a hand-written note with acceptances. These are not form letters. One Associate Director covers Colorado Springs, Northern California, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Maryland, Virginia. In a bumper year, that could mean quite a few hand-written notes for EA/ED at a very busy time of the year. So some posters are getting their notices earlier than others.</p>

<p>The admissions office sent out an email today saying that they had gotten a lot of calls about when EA notifications would be sent out, so they wanted to let everyone know those will be mailed on December 22nd. They should arrive the middle of the next week, factoring in Christmas, etc.</p>

<p>Son also got the email. It says they expect the letters to arrive between December 26 and January 1. But if they are mailed December 22, some lucky applicants that live in or close to Colorado may get a decision December 23 or 24. :)</p>

<p>The also threw in the fact that the office would be closed from the 24th-Jan 9th. Sure hope nothing gets lost in the mail!</p>

<p>I was flipping through radio stations today and heard John Denver of all people. Surely that is a good sign!?!</p>

<p>tk21769, I completely empathize with the jobs of these admissions officers, surely their work is demanding, and with the increasing applicants every year I am sure they must be swamped. Howerer, it is just so intensely difficult on the other end when so many families are getting news, and some, like us are not, another day of nothing in the mail here, and truly, We just want to move forward in whatever direction it may be. Many ED2 deadlines are either now or passed, and to get no communication is very disconcerting. When we called the office they said all letters went out on or before Tuesday. Even with holiday mail it should not take more than 5 days to get from Colorado to California. So trying to stay positive and believe that the kids all end up just fine where they will be. Thanks to all for continuing to think of us.</p>

<p>Nothing in the mail today in California. Starting to get really ****ed</p>

<p>We’re still waiting for EA here in Colorado.</p>

<p>For those of you who are concerned that 12/15 has come and gone, take a look at this link:
[Deadlines</a> ? Colorado College](<a href=“http://www.coloradocollege.edu/admission/application/deadlines/]Deadlines”>Admission Requirements - Colorado College)</p>

<p>This indicates that the decision release date for both ED1 and EA is 12/22 (as opposed to 12/15 for ED1). Don’t know why there are apparently 2 different dates posted for ED1 decisions, but if you’re still waiting to hear on ED1, maybe this will make your wait a little more bearable…</p>

<p>It has been 10 days already and still nothing in my POB. Now I seriously hope something to come by tomorrow. Whatever it is, good or bad. I mean another deadline (jan 1) is approaching and this hope(however minimal it is) is not letting me focus on my other applications. It is not that I am procrastinating with the hope of being admitted in CC, I just want to hear the verdict. And not being able to do so is really demotivating. On top of that, the controversy that acceptances are sent through fedEx and rejections and deferral are sent through regular mail makes it even worse. One part of me wants to believe it is rejection and move on and yet another part just hopes to hear a good news. The whole situation is… Don’t even have a word to describe it.</p>

<p>I really think it’s a bit ridiculous for the EA decisions to be taking so long. Many people (myself included) will be going away for the Christmas break, so at this point, we’re stuck in a bad position. It looks like I will have to have someone else open my decision letter and send me the news (I’ll be out of town) and I’ll possibly be forced to submit applications from a boat for the January 1st deadline. Everyone I met at the admissions office was extremely nice and I’m not even sure anything could’ve been done to avoid this, but I just don’t see why posting or emailing decisions online is not an option at CC.</p>

<p>Well one down in CA, got the “small” envelope today. Time to move forward, thanks to all for such amazing support. Wish the rest waiting better luck!</p>

<p>oh 5brownies, so very sorry to hear the news! Was sincerely wishing for a nice fat packet to arrive at your home. We do know abit about the feeling with DS2 on this end. Take a few days to regroup. There is a great school out there just waiting.</p>

<p>thanks Skier29. Appreciate it and best to you and yours.

<p>Hi! Been lurking for a while. So sorry, 5brownies! My s is ea, so we’re waiting…</p>