Who is applying EA, ED 2012-???

<p>Here’s some fun math that I PM’d to 5boys that may provide some relief to the others waiting:</p>

<p>Let’s work on the premise that decisions were mailed last Friday and this Monday, as has been confirmed earlier in this thread.</p>

<p>The majority of people who have already received decisions received them this Tuesday, with a few receiving them a day earlier or a day later. This gives us 3 days transit time with a margin of error (probably geography based) of +/- 1. It’s likely that these decisions were mailed Friday.</p>

<p>Working with the 3 day average transit time and a shipment date of Monday, we can extrapolate that this THURSDAY is the likely day for the second wave of acceptances to start rolling in. It is also conveniently the posted deadline, December 15th, which 07DAD has confirmed is historically typically met or preceded. Like he said earlier, someone has to be the second round.</p>

<p>The fact that we haven’t heard anything yet does not mean that we were rejected, it just means that our decisions were mailed Monday rather than Friday. (Also, the geographic trends are pretty encouraging. As far as I’ve seen, it looks like CA and MN haven’t received anything yet. Maybe the regional admissions officers send out the decisions, which would account for the geographical discrepancies).</p>

<p>TL;DR: I’m giving it until tomorrow before I start to worry. Hopefully this put your minds a little at ease as well :)</p>

<p>Sending positive thoughts and hope to everyone still waiting on a decision! :D</p>

<p>Good Luck to everybody! I hope we are all at school together next year! I am just worried because my friend got an acceptance letter today, and he lives in LA. He said it was a biggish package and came via regular mail. Let’s hope our acceptances are just running late</p>

<p>any EA got the result yet? I am so nervous right now. I got a package from Colorado earlier and it was only a advertisement!!!</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m in SF and I received my ED yesterday.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone! I hope we are all at CC next year. A student that currently is a freshman just inboxed me and could not say enough positive things about CC! It’s amazing how helpful the students are. I’m wishing for everyone to have a big package in their mailbox tomorrow!</p>

<p>Anyone else received anything today?</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone still waiting for mail today.</p>

<p>My thoughts are with all of you and hoping for big yellow packets in your mailboxes! Good luck!</p>

<p>Here’s to hoping everyone has resolution today and that there are lots of big envelopes!</p>

<p>Hey everyone what do the “big envelopes” look like??Can someone give me a description of it;I know its quite funny but I would really like to know.I am still waiting for the decisions :)</p>

<p>imgallagher-- even you haven’t received anything?</p>

<p>It’s a large white envelope with Office of Admission in the return address. It will be quite firm due to the yellow folder inside. Good luck!</p>

<p>eehlauna- nope I have not received it yet.I think we will get it tomorrow</p>

<p>yeah… lets hope so… or else we will have to wait till monday to find out!</p>

<p>just found out that my decision was mailed on 8th december. Admission officer said it takes 1 week to come to my place and they have sent it through normal mail and not FedEx. Not a good feeling. Will have to check my POB tomorrow. Can’t sleep tonight!</p>

<p>crazy torture waiting!!! Does anyone else know if on their applicants basecamp page they can click on areas to sign up for teams etc? Some people are saying last week they could not click on icons to sign up for areas of interest but now they can. I know I sound cookooo.</p>

<p>5brownies-- of course you’re not cuckoo! Just anxious for an answer!! My D’s base camp page doesn’t look any different than it did before her acceptance… Nothing about congrats etc. she was always always able to open “interests” links…</p>

<p>Just dropped in. WOW!!!</p>

<p>There are now 13,500+ views of this thread. It seems impossible to me that only 5 or 6 College Confidential viewers have received anything from CC about ED applications.</p>

<p>nothing in the mail today. ??? please advise.</p>

<p>My mail just got here in LA, but there was nothing from CC</p>