Who is applying EA, ED 2012-???

<p>Well… after all this wait S got the deferrral letter today… he took it great, and is right where he was before all this craziness started… although he doesn’t have the luxury of being able to relax. I wasn’t too disappointed, because I really wanted him to compare all schools in April… so back on the rolller coaster and back to finishing his other app’s. Thanks so much for everyones support through this trying past week. What a bunch of GREAT parents on here… XXOOO</p>

<p>So sorry, 5boys, especially after the push to switch to ED! Hard to figure! CC sounded perfect for your S. :(</p>

<p>5boys - I have been prowling here hoping you would post. So very sorry for the deferral! My household can so relate. Well, looks like we continue on similar paths on this crazy journey.</p>

<p>I did not get in either =( Life moves on =)</p>

<p>5Boys - I’m so bummed that your S was deferred. I really don’t get why they asked him to move to ED. What was the point? Sounds like you are all handling it well and realize that, eventually, your S will end up at the perfect school for HIM!</p>

<p>so sorry to hear of the disappointing results. best wishes to all in the next step.</p>

<p>I am so sorry 5boys and to all everyone else who got deferred or didn’t get in! CC is crazy if they don’t accept your son in the spring! I hope everyone has a great holiday season and that the waiting period isn’t too bad!! There is the perfect school for everyone waiting to be found!</p>

<p>so sorry, 5boys! I thought you of al would get the good news. Great stats, great leadership. After your deferral, I don’t think I should be hopeful at all.</p>

<p>Hi, I’m a HS Senior in NM. I’ve been keeping up with this forum for a long time to help ease my anxiety!! Well it finally ended… I got my acceptance package today. In the POSTAL mail! Not fedex. So don’t give up hope if it hasn’t came yet! The admissions office told me they were sent out on Friday which would be 12/16 I think… Umm should I post stats?</p>

<p>AleyahCC, first of all, CONGRATS!!! Please do post stats. And also where are you from?</p>

From Central New Mexico
3.3 GPA
ACT - 26
I took the SAT and got a little under 1600… but didn’t report it, it was a fluke :confused:
I ride horses mainly and train horses so I don’t do sports a lot but I do Track and Field
My high school isn’t competitive at all.
I volunteer for Relay For Life and Food Banks.
Planning on poli sci and econ.
Umm… haha Idk what else…
I am a minority and low income…
I went to the multicultural open house and I wrote about my experiences there. My handwritten note talked about that. I think that helped me a lot. I show a lot of “want” for CC. I think that is what did it and my interview was amazing.
Anything else?</p>

<p>Did you apply for aid aleyahCC?</p>

<p>Yes. I’m estimated pretty generously.</p>

<p>And you said hand written note? WOW! I so hope to get one! :smiley: Congrats once again…</p>

<p>Thank you again lol I do too. Good luck. I really didn’t think I had a chance. CC must really want students who have enthusiasm to attend.</p>

<p>has anyone heard EA?</p>

<p>We were just on the CC campus this morning so that my daughter could get the feeling for the place now that she’s accepted. The admissions office was carrying boxes of EA letters over to the mailing center to be mailed out. Good luck everyone, they’re on the way.</p>

<p>EA Update:</p>

<p>My daughter applied EA and received her acceptance packet today. Just in time so she doesn’t have to worry over XMAs. Happy Holidays to all and best of luck.</p>

<p>Congrats to your daughter! What area of the country are you in? And was the letter delivered by regular mail or FedEx?</p>

<p>Letter arrived USPS in white envelope. We reside in LV Nevada. Not that far from CC as the crow flies. Probably arrived relatively fast compared to other US locations.</p>

<p>Again good luck to all.</p>