Who is applying EA, ED 2012-???

<p>D2 received her acceptance packet today! We are in Colorado.</p>

<p>cool. D rec’d her acceptance to CC today [live in ID]. THey have an estimate of fin. aid, but we are new to this game. When does one find out about scholarships, etc. for real?</p>

<p>Happy for you all. I received my rejection yesterday. So, this is probably the last post. Best of luck guys.</p>

<p>littletuna–you are asking about the merit scholarships, right? Back in 2007, the scholars day was sometime in March (as I recall). Thereafter CC resent the “financials” that reworked the numbers with the scholarship amounts.</p>

<p>It seems from how things have happened over the following years that they don’t always do things using the same dates. My son got a lot of information by talking straight out about issues with his regional admissions employee. Once again, I think the more interest the now EA accepted shows in trying to “make it happen” financially, the greater the likelihood that it will.</p>

<p>My S’s year they took people off the waiting list. I know of a female who kept showing her interest by calling 6 days before the “very end” (i.e., the last date for waitlist admissions). I believe the fact that she made the contact updating her file with a recent math award and her statement that she really wanted to come to CC but had to go “firm” with deposits etc at another school prompted the events that lead to (1) her being offered admission and (2) CC sweetening the financials to make it happen. </p>

<p>An EA who starts a reasonable amount of scholarship enquiry after the admissions office has a chance to catch its breath in January, cannot hurt IMO</p>

<p>YAY!! COLOMOM!! So Happy for your D!!! Isn’t this #2 at CC?? Is she going for sure, or waiting to see all acceptances in March. </p>

<p>We are all good hear… S has bounced back just fine and is almost finished with all of his other app’s… Whitman is his #2, with Bates close behind, so he is working really hard on those ones. He sent a short email to his CC admissions rep, stating that he was disappointed with his deferral, but thet he is going to work especially hard to send in any additional information that might strengthen his application… including first semester grades… which are fantastic, thank goodness. He is prepared for the worst, but hoping for the best… I am so proud of his maturity and resilience in this process. In his deferral letter they mentioned the Winter Start that he requested, and that they don’t make decisions on that till March… so think possibly this might be the reason for the deferral.</p>

<p>5boys-- as I mentioned above, some years CC takes off the waitlist. The girl that got in had a marvelous and successful 4 years at CC. In large degree, the deferral decision is nothing more than the reality that there are a lot of nearly identical “profile” applicants and CC has to make decsions that are a stab in the dark.</p>

<p>I also think that the Winter Start might have had something to do with it,</p>

<p>Nothing in Southern California so far for an EA decision. Has anyone else in Upstate NY or Southern California heard anything? </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone still waiting and congrats to everyone who has heard back :D</p>

<p>i’m from MA and i received my deferral today…does anyone have any idea if visiting would help my chances? also how heavily does CC place an emphasis on interviewing? any ideas to help my chances would be awesome, thank you</p>

<p>How big was the acceptance envelope?</p>

<p>I heard its color is white, but about how big it was?</p>

<p>The acceptance envelope is about the size of a folder - without a ruler, I’d guess that it’s about 9" x 13" or so.</p>

<p>It’s a plain white envelope with Colorado College Office of Admission listed as the return address in the upper left hand corner. My envelope had 7 stamps. It was sent on December 10th and I received it on December 15th.</p>

<p>Received my acceptance letter today (12/24) here in NY. I applied EA. Happy Holidays to all.</p>

<p>DS got his acceptance letter today as well. This was one he really wanted, so it was a great early Christmas present!</p>

<p>Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday week!</p>

<p>Thank you hopefulcctiger, and congratulations!!</p>

<p>5boys, I was very surprised at your deferral (first, because he sounds like such a strong candidate, and second because of the ED conversion). I’d forgotten about your son’s interest in a winter start. I, too, think that must have affected the decision. </p>

<p>I hope he’ll continue to express interest and be sure to send updated grades etc.</p>

<p>Just found out the postal service doesn’t deliver on December 26th… DYING!!!</p>

<p>Hahahaha, I’m not expecting anything for a couple more days. Mail from the US to the UK over Christmas is a niiiiiightmare!</p>

<p>Does anyone know when CC sends out notification of merit scholarships?</p>

<p>My son talked to his regional admissions employee in January 2007 after he got accepted EA in December. That year the scholars Day was in March and the decision came a couple of weeks later</p>

<p>No more lurking for me. Son applied ED2 yesterday, so the big wait begins. He needed to complete all of his other apps as well, so if he’s not accepted, at least he won’t have to fill out additional apps.</p>

<p>I’m curious if most of those accepted EA and ED1 visited campus. Please share!</p>

<p>Julia22rose: I’ve been told that CC puts huge emphasis on campus visits and interviews. The more interest you show admissions, the better. I did three “interviews” (technically two because they only allow one per student/admission term so the third was a slightly awkward update chat)–first in San Diego, second on campus while taking summer course as a visiting student, and third chat when I went BACK to the Springs for another official visit in November. While my parents were aghast at my personal spending for the trip (they couldn’t comprehend why I needed to go back), I was confident the journey was vital. Also, I was told by a CC professor that my making the additional could make all the difference.</p>

<p>Anyway: I was accepted as winter start transfer. I’m convinced that my obsessive interest (I also was crazy about emailing thanks/questions/etc and managed to get printed in three various CC zines) truly did give me the final push. For the record: I’m transferring in from an underwhelming 22 semester units of community college and never received a high school diploma (my college GPA was a 3.8 and the two years of high school I DID complete was a 3.4–I passed out with California HS Prof Exam). </p>

<p>The point I’m trying to make is that YES, I do believe campus visits/interviews are highly taken into consideration at CC (and can be so so so helpful) and that, also, admissions truly does look at each student from a unique “holistic” standpoint. I was weirdo applicant, very low shot, but I made it happen by focusing taking classes during the summer as a visitor (and doing well in those classes), and focusing on my writing, travels, and passion for academia in my essay. </p>

<p>It is never too late to visit! Plus, Colorado is a fabulous get away spot college visit or not :)</p>