Who is applying EA, ED 2012-???

<p>kellian… my son was ED. i think they send all ED first and EA follow about a week later, but frankly I could be completely wrong</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that everyone posting so far is ED or Winter transfer. The waiting game for EA is closer to Christmas/New Years when the mails are really “off” with holiday cards, etc. BTW-- I think everyone has experienced the s-l-o-w mail over the last few years.</p>

<p>just a reminder that they do say the 15th for ED and 22nd for EA. Just some years have been a little early. Do not despair. From the objective outside looking in I see good news in your future.<br>
sending positive thoughts</p>

<p>Thank you skier29, but it still feels strange that all ED’s would not be mailed at the same time. I would think they would want all students to find out at the same time. Trying desperately to stay positive, and appreciate the support.</p>

<p>Thanks SO much for the support everyone!! Roundlake… your message made me feel a lot better because your S got the same email and WAS accepted. I am feeling better and my S is fine… he REALLY wants to go to CC, but he will be okay if he doesn’t get in. I think when all of this started was when CC emailed him to make to ED switch… if it wouldn’t have been for that, I think he would have been fine with whatever the EA decision would have been… it feels like there is more on the line and it is confusing to us if he doesn’t get in, because why wouldn’t they have just rejected or deferred in the EA round, instead of sending that email to go ED?? Anyway… a lot of second guessing going on by me… the crazy mom… and I should just stop worrying about it and let it be. Sounds like a good plan…</p>

<p>Congrat’s to all of the acceptances today!! I am so happy for you guys!!</p>

<p>Just got the mail and we received the big acceptance packet with a lovely note.</p>

<p>Let’s hope tomorrow brings good news for others as well!</p>

<p>Just to clarify, my D was ED and it looks like her response went out in the first wave.</p>

<p>Congrats outdoors12! I have no idea when it will arrive in Nepal. My nervousness is growing exponentially.</p>

<p>Stats/timing will help explain some of this. CC"S closing date for EDI and EA has always been 11-15. The CC common data sets reflect that previously CC notified ED applicants by 12-20, not 12-15. (compare 2007-08 and now). Also, the EA notification date had been 1-15. Now the notification dates are 12-15 and 12-20.</p>

<p>There were only 288 application for ED for Fall 2010 admission. The were 421 apps for ED admission for Fall 2011. As a general matter, the EA apps are over 3 times the number of ED apps. </p>

<p>I will almost guarantee you that the admissions department does has not expanded. Therefore, the same number of employees are processing a larger number of applications in substantially less time. AND, most ED and EA acceptances come with a personalized letter that indicates someone who knew your kid’s file and app actually had to take the time to write that letter.</p>

<p>I think that the wave is a way to make sure that completed files get totally processed (i.e, mailed) as soon as possible. Some acceptance files are going to have to be “last” to be finished and mailed.</p>

<p>Thank you o7DAD. That is all so helpful and encouraging. How do you know those stats about 421 applications this fall? that is very high.So appreciate your support.</p>

<p>Go to the Colorado College website. In the internal search box put “common data set”. This will bring up the data sets by years going back to 2006-2007. Remember that Fall 2011 admission reflects the stats of the ***present ***freshman class. </p>

<p>A present applicant will be seeking Fall 2012 admission.</p>

<p>Another very interesting stat is the number of apps accepted off the wait list over the last few years.</p>

<p>Thank you 07DAD, all so interesting, however on the common data set page I can not find “present applicant” for 2012, can you direct me? Many thanks.</p>

<p>I got my ED letter yesterday, and I’m in as well! Love that little personalized note they sent with it, and I am so incredibly pumped for September. Congrats to everyone else who’s gotten in already, and good luck to those who haven’t heard yet!</p>

<p>There is no such information for the current application pool. The most recent stat is for Fall 2011 admissions (the present freshman class). </p>

<p>Here is another interesting set of data.<a href=“http://www2.coloradocollege.edu/dean/oir/documents/Page15-16RegisteredStudentsbyHomeStateandCountry.pdf[/url]”>http://www2.coloradocollege.edu/dean/oir/documents/Page15-16RegisteredStudentsbyHomeStateandCountry.pdf&lt;/a&gt; It shows the whole student body by US state of residence and foreign country for the last several years. </p>

<p>You folks in California probably get your letters later because that CC admissions representative for California has a huge number of apps and acceptances to deal with. Same for Colorado.</p>

<p>congrats wyankeif–you are Canadian, right?</p>

<p>Thank you so much 07DAD, I really appreciate ALL your communication. Either way, I know my son will land well. Many thanks.</p>

<p>5brownies-- no problem. I’ve got the flu and am out of the office since middle of last week. Between emails related to work, I have had time to come back to the CC site. </p>

<p>I remember the tension when it was my s, but I also recall there was not a lot of activity/information on the Colorado College thread back then. If any of this helps the current people, I feel that I’m giving forward.</p>

<p>I like your attitude. These kids who would have a shot at CC Ed are going to be alright no matter where they land.</p>

<p>wyankeif-- congrats! Happy for you. If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from? Are you an international as well? And how did you get your package? Regular mail or FedEx?</p>

<p>beautifully said re “these students”, completely agree. Hope you feel better quick!</p>

<p>I’m from near San Francisco, CA (although I am half Canadian), and I got mine via USPS.</p>