Who is applying EA, ED 2012-???

<p>Awesome CChopefulmama! Thank you for posting! :)</p>

<p>I’m definitely optimistic for tomorrow! Hopefully they’ll make their way up to Minnesota by tomorrow afternoon! :D</p>

<p>if it helps from past years and just to relieve some anxiety, I will add to the "we received an acceptance by regular mail " EA about the 22nd or so in 2009.
Good luck to you all!</p>

<p>The FedEx acceptance was merely the case for my personal pool: winter start transfers. I’ve been told there were only around ten of us and we were a obviously a rush situation as we start at CC next month, so that may explain the FedEx. So so sorry for any misinformation or confusion, was only offering my personal experience!</p>

<p>Good luck everyone! Hope to see you all in the fall. :)</p>

<p>Congrats to D of pennyalex! Now that it has been mailed already and they used regular mail, I dont know when it will arrive in my place. I am an international student from Nepal and I am very nervous right now. I think it would be okay to ask this now. I had reported Math II 790, TOEFL 108, SAT MATHS 770. I did A-levels and my grades are A*AABB. I have quite extensive ECAs. What do you guys think I will be getting? A thin mail or a big packet? Also, should I write to admission officer to let me know my decision by email? Would it be okay or is it better to wait (which right now seems impossible)? And I am applying for financial aid.</p>

<p>Oh yeah. I applied ED!</p>

<p>I GOT IN!!! They sent a nice personal letter about my supplement too. I can’t believe it!</p>

<p>kudos outdoors12!!!</p>

<p>By the way, parents and students, Kiplinger ranks Colorado College as the 11th best liberal arts college in value.</p>

<p>Congrats outdoors12! So happy to hear you will be part of the CC community.<br>
(So envious that you have received the decision, waiting on an ED to a different school for S2 here and going a bit insane :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>YAY OUTDOORS!!! So happy for you… we are waiting her in CA, but our mail comes LATE!! skier… good luck to you too!!!</p>

<p>YES!! So happy for you outdoors12 – Now fingers crossed for others.</p>

<p>Nothing in MI :(</p>

<p>we just called the school, and they said not all ED letters went out at the same time, I thought they all had to be mailed together, they said this is not the case? Do you think they have to say this? And that rejections are mailed after the first mailing? Could they really be mailing acceptances not at the same time?</p>

<p>I no longer have a horse in this race, but I never was under the belief that they were all sent at the very same time. In fact, my S got his EA fairly early in his year. </p>

<p>Every year the threads indicate the ED and EA acceptances come in waves, but I seem to recall that they all get there by the announced dates for release. The only exception was one year when there was some winter white out that delayed the mails in one area.</p>

<p>Thank you 07DAD. It does make it harder when some have already heard, but your confirmation helps.</p>

<p>Nothing again in CA… SOO bummed and thinking that he is rejected…:-((((((</p>

<p>Oh 5BOYS we are in CA too, and nothing, I called admissions as I stated above and they “said” not everything mailed at same time. It is torture.</p>

<p>In in Illinois!!!</p>

<p>Good news in NJ! My D is thrilled. A lot of tears of happiness. The mailman didn’t arrive until 5:30. Good luck to everyone…this is a tough process to endure.</p>

<p>When people say that they are in, do they mean ea or ed? I am ea, and I haven’t received anything in MI.</p>

<p>5 boys don’t be discouraged. i’ve been reading this blog since the day we got the EA/ED email. my son’s stats are very similar to yours, and he also switched to ED. i’ve been doing anything to keep myself distracted from calling admissions and tackling our mailman. i do think the letters are sent in waves, and my son got a nice letter. i know its frustrating but i really think you are in good shape. best of luck to those still waiting to hear!! i’m going to keep watching and sending good thoughts</p>