Who is applying EA, ED 2012-???

<p>Does anyone have any idea how international will get their decision? Is it USPS? I mean USPS mail takes days to arrive to Nepal. And I am literally stuck with it. I check my email probably hundred times a day to see if they sent any email. If anyone knows, please let me know.</p>

<p>Have you tried calling the CC admissions office?</p>

<p>No! Well, the time difference is the problem. It is 11.07 p.m right now and I can’t call US from my home. We haven’t taken that service. I have to call in the daylight, and when we have a daylight, admission officers will probably be sound asleep in their homes. I did write to admission officer of my region but no reply yet!</p>

<p>eehlauna-- last year “sidthekid” from Nepal posted the following in the CC thead and on an international thread:</p>



<p>thank you 07dad. I had searched his posts but didn’t come across this. Thank yoU! So I will have to wait till friday if I am accepted. Or else, the rejections are probably sent through regular mail which will take even longer. :frowning: 2 days more. I have no idea how I am going to be through with that.</p>

<p>eehlauna–in a previous post I gave the telephone number for Fedex that I have been told can tell you if there is a fedex package on its way to a particular address. That number is “800-go-fedex.” I have no idea if it is internal US tracking only, but if you call and they have something headed to your address ask for the weight. Acceptances are much larger than just a letter.</p>

<p>OR–kick back and wait a few days. My CC grad works in Taiwan, so I have checked out International FedEx. IFE advertises that the delivery will get there within 2-3 business days. So, if it went into FedEx on Friday, you are looking at receiving it really soon.</p>

<p>I called on 13th december. There was nothing at that time. So it probably is rejection!</p>

<p>Still nothing today…I am feeling better about it though… what will be, will be, my S is totally fine… but would just like a notification of some kind to move on… if he hears nothing by tomorrow I am going to have him call… maybe something got mixed up and he is still in the EA pool… who knows… It’s weird that no one has posted a deferral or rejection yet, so hard to tell if they came out yet or not.</p>

<p>5boys: My S had two of his acceptances delivered to the wrong address, so they took considerably longer to reach us. I called one school and explained the mail delivery problem and they gave me his acceptance over the phone and resent the letter.</p>

<p>Maybe taking that approach would help. I’ve been hoping for your S that he would be admitted. The waiting and wondering are so stressful!</p>

<p>My S does not want to call until tomorrow… the official decision date… I know the mail is crazy right now with all the cutbacks and xmas… I wish they just did the email notification…it is SO much less stressful, and everyone finds out the same time… YES!!, this waiting and wondering is driving us all CRAZY!!!</p>

<p>so sorry… that is so frustrating. i’m glad your son is calm. i have positive thoughts for him. don’t give up hope.</p>

<p>@5boys. know that all of us cc parents are pulling for you and son. sending positive thoughts your way.</p>

<p>I’m also waiting on a decision. I’m hoping it will come tomorrow! I’m thinking that my decision was sent on Monday, so it would make sense for it to come tomorrow (hopefully not later though, don’t know if I can handle the anticipation)!</p>

<p>I’m sending out positive thoughts</p>

<p>nothing here in CA again. :(((((((</p>

<p>Anyone else in California not get their letter yet?</p>

<p>colocoll, did you apply Ed? Are you in Ca?</p>

<p>Yes, I applied ED, and I live in LA</p>

<p>we are in LA too. Hope we hear SOMETHING tomorrow, whatever it is, just to move forward. Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>Join the club colocoll!! There are quite a few of us waiting in CA… and also in MN… so there must be some notifications still out there.</p>

<p>wish you the best of luck 5boys, I am thinking about you all the time too.</p>